Cipher Pol 9

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Outside the HQ

GLW : The two that vanished aren't in the back? What about the inside the building.

GLW 2 : We nailed all the door and the windows shut! They shouldn't be able to get in.

GLW 3 : Watch out for the guy with the whip.

Near Iceberg's room

Robin : He should be on the other side of the wall.

??? : Alright.

He then leans his back against the wall.

??? : Push me.

Robin pushes him as he works as a door to get to the other side of the wall. They were now inside Iceberg's room, right in front of him. The unknown guy closes the door.

Iceberg : Amazing, even though I knew you would come again. I never imagined that you would come through there. Did you do the same thing last night?

The masked guy pulls out a gun.

??? : It's the power of the Doa Doa fruit. Any wall I'll touch become a door. No matter how strong the wall is. I can go through any door.

He then fires at Iceberg. Iceberg falls from the bed to the ground.

Robin : Why did you do that? We didn't get the signal yet.

??? : He could still speak so he's not as weak as he should be. A good cook is never lazy in his preparations.

??? : Even though it's not time, In order to prevent any complications in future precautions must be taken. That is the way of a true assassin.

Iceberg : That... Sounds like CP9!!

He says weakly.

??? : You seem to know a lot. But you are correct.

Iceberg : I wronged the Straw hats, they were all innocent.

Robin : You did nothing wrong. It's true that you saw me last night.

Iceberg : It's all... part of a plan?

??? : Yes, we allowed you to live so we could frame those pirates. Also if we had killed you then the blue prints of that ship would've remained hidden.

??? : From one carpenter to another. That thing is a secret treasure passed down through generations. When you feel that your life is threatened you will no doubt pass it down to someone else.

??? : The person you chose is chief mechanic, Paulie. Right now, two of my comrades are dealing with him.

Iceberg : So I played right into your hands...

??? : To be on safe side I'm going outside to take care of the carpenters in the hallway. I'm leaving him to you, Nico Robin. Once they get it from Paulie. They'll send you a signal.

He says as he starts walking towards the door.

??? : When they do, kill him. After that, we just need to eliminate Paulie. Then our mission will be complete. And the straw hats will take blame.

Somewhere else

Nami : ARGHH!! Why doesn't he ever listen!?

She says as she and the others are running towards the HQ.

Zoro : No use complaining now!

Chopper : Maybe, Robin is in the crowd! What should we do? Do we need to sneak!?

(Y/N) : Most probably we'll need to sneak in..

Zoro : By the way, why aren't you flying?

(Y/N) : I'm saving energy.

Zoro : Oh, okay.

Nami : Actually, this may be to our advantage. Do you think Luffy would use stealth to enter the building?

Zoro : Most likely not!

Chopper : Not! Not!

(Y/N) : Nah, he might end up being stuck between two buildings.

Everybody gave him the same 'are-you-serious' look.

(Y/N) : I'm just saying...

Nami : Well, back to the topic. He likely flew or charged in from front. It's good if he got in. He's probably being chased by the shipwrights.

Zoro : Yeah, I agree.

Chopper : Agree! Agree!

(Y/N) : Yeah, maybe..

Nami : When the enemy boss appears everyone will chase after him. So the front of the building should be poorly defended by now. We can use this chance to get in.

Zoro : I see, so Luffy's recklessness gives us an opportunity!!

Chopper : I agree, so we can just charge in.

Nami : Just over that wall!

(Y/N) : You guys should always take the worst case scenario.

They all just ignored him and jump over the wall.

Zoro : Follow Luffy!!

Chopper : Yeah, let's go!!

(Y/N) : Am I being ignored!!!

But once they all landed they noticed all the shipwrights looking at them. Yup, Luffy wasn't there...

GLW : Oi, look there.

Zoro, Nami & Chopper : They're still here!!!

They all were shock other than (Y/N) that is.

(Y/N) : Told ya.

Somewhere else

Luffy : Damnit!! I can't get out!!

He says as he is really stuck between two buildings.

Luffy : I was going to just jump into the building but I got stuck!! I've to hurry.

Inside the HQ

GLW : Somebody help me!! Come to the president's room!!! All the guards on the third floor are down!!

Tilestone who was running in the hallway heard this and ran towards the source of the voice.

Tilestone : How!? Kaku and Lucci are over there!!

GLW : Ah... Tilestone-san, look over there!!

He points at the door of the room where Iceberg was.

Tilestone's eyes went wide by what he saw. Lucci's body was on the ground with blood all over it and Kaku's body was on the chair in the same condition and on another chair the bear masked guy was seating.

Tilestone : KAKU!!! LUCCI!!!!

??? : Oh damn, There's no end to them over here. Aren't they finished yet?

He says as he takes out a Den-Den Mushi.

(A/N) : Ok quick question, Who should be (Y/N)'s rival? I was thinking of Law to be his friendly rival. What do you guys think? Tell me in the comments. I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Till then take care!

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