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(Y/N) : By the way, grandpa, I don't think you should've said that.

He says while looking around the shocked faces.

Garp : Ack!! You're right!!

Garp : Bwahahahaha!! Oi you guys, never mind what I just said.

Marines : Eeeeeeeeh!?

Time skip

After the marines fixed the wall, all of the marines were standing outside the house.

Garp : I'm leaving.

Luffy : Okay, bye.

Garp punches him.

Garp : That's way too dul!!

Luffy : Bhee!!

(Y/N) : This sure brings back memories...

(Y/N) : Well then, grandpa, take care.

Garp : Learn something from him, you doodoohead!!

Inside the house all the Straw hats were looking at them. They all sweatdropped.

Another Time skip.

Luffy, Coby, Helmeppo and (Y/N) were sitting on some rocks outside the house. Luffy was introducing (Y/N) to Coby.

(Y/N) : I wonder why Nami gave me this Den-Den Mushi..

Luffy : So, did you guys also go over that mountain to enter the Grand Line!?

Coby : Ah... No, we didn't cross the reverse mountain.

(Y/N) : Same here, I didn't cross it too.

Luffy : Why?

Coby : Headquarter warships can cross the calm belts. But then, it's not 100% guaranteed. How did you came into the Grand line, (Y/N)-san?

(Y/N) : I snuck up on one of your warships.

He says while smiling.

Coby : That can be dangerous you know.

(Y/N) : Not for me. By the way, they have kairouseki at the bottom of those ships, right?

Coby : Yeah, you know a lot about marines.

(Y/N) : I was information broker.

Coby : Cool, the world is filled with amazing people! I thought that the sea where I was living in is a small world until I met Luffy-san. If you hadn't jump out of the barrel on that day I would probably would still be doing chores on Alvida's ship.

(Y/N) : Wait, Luffy was in a barrel?

Luffy : Oh, my boat was stuck in a whirlpool.

(Y/N) laughs.

Luffy : And yeah Coby was on Alvida's ship. It was hilarious I mean his reason be on her ship.

Coby : Luffy-san, don't tell anyone that!!

Luffy : I don't think you'll stop me.

He whispers everything in (Y/N)'s ear.

(Y/N) burst out laughing.

They all talk a bit more, before Coby stands up.

Luffy : Eeeh!? You're already going back!?

(Y/N) : C'mon eat something with us.

Coby : We shouldn't be friendly with each other. We're enemies.

(Y/N) : Well, I guess you're right too.

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