The Godfather

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Luffy : (Y/N), what's on your leg?

(Y/N) : This? One of those bastard marines put these on me while we were fighting Smokey.

One of the pacifista stand in there way. Ivankov was there, too.

Luffy : It's that bear guy again!

(Y/N) : It's not just him.

Doflamingo : Reaper, seems like you know ol' Kuma, eh? But this guy and the Kuma you knew are two different people.

(Y/N) : What are you going on about, Joker?

He picks up a sword and swings it, Doflamingo blocks it with his strings.

Doflamingo : I still haven't forgive you for what you did to my smiles.

(Y/N) : I was ordered to do that.

Doflamingo : And who ordered you?

(Y/N) : Naaaah, I don't think I'm gonna tell you that.

Ivankov : (Y/N) boy, leave this to me. Go ahead!!

(Y/N) : Got it!!

He jumps away from Doflamingo and start running forward with Luffy.

Ivankov : Candies!!! Back them up!!!

Okamas : Roger!!!

All of them rush forward. The Okamas block all the marines in the way.

(Y/N) : Ah! I'm feeling weak as hell! Where's 3!?

Okama 1 : GO!! YOU TWO!!

A figure stands in ther way.

(Y/N) : Great now he's here.

Mihawk : My apologies, Red Hair... But I will not be merciful with my power...

Luffy : Hawkeye!!!!

Mihawk : Now, fate... Let us see How you favor these shining stars of the next generation. Will there life end here...? Or will you save it from my Black Blade...!?

Luffy : Haa... This no time for this u to fight. (Y/N), hold on.

(Y/N) grabs him. He use gear 2 to get away but Mihawk found them and swings his blade send a slash. The slash hits Luffy and he slams in the wall and get stuck.

Mihawk jumps up to pierce Luffy, (Y/N) quickly grabs Luffy and throws him away.

Suddenly, two Okamas stand infront them.

Okama 1 : Out of the way, you guys!!

Okama 2: We'll stop him for you!!

The run towards Mihawk.

Okama 2 : Hawkeye!! Do you remember us!!?

Okama 1 : We once faced you in a battle! But we are newkamas now, far stronger than we were once!!!

Mihawk slice them fluently.

Mihawk : I do not recall the face of  every insect I crushed!!

(Y/N) : WHY YOU!!!

He goes for a kick but instead of kicking Mihawk he kicks the ground.

Mihawk : What's wrong?

(Y/N) : That was close..!! He could've cut my leg.

Mihawk swings his blade and (Y/N) ducks down.

(Y/N) : What the...!?


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