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Chimnie and Gonbe found (Y/N) and woke him up.

Chimnie : Brother, wake up!!

She says as she throws water on his face.

(Y/N) jerks up.

(Y/N) : I'm up! I'm up!!

Chimnie : Big bro, Look!

She points at the building which was sliced in two pieces.

(Y/N) : Just how long have I been passed out?

Chimnie : Very long. Pirate-girl asked us to find you and yeah I saw a big monster falling from there.

She points at a big hole in the building.

(Y/N) : Listen, you two. Go back to your granny.

Chimnie : Yes, sir!!

She and Gonbe left. Immediately after they leave Franky comes.

(Y/N) : What're you doing?

Franky : Oh, you're here. I accidentally threw one of your friend in water.

(Y/N) : Who exactly?

Franky : Raindeer gorilla.

(Y/N) : You threw Chopper!? Go, rescue him, you dumbass!!

Franky jumps inside the water. (Y/N) sprouts his wings, which were smaller, and flew toward the big hole.

Inside the room

Kaku and Zoro were fighting and on the other side Jabra was beating Usopp.

Usopp : Himawari boshi!!

He shoots it at Jabra.

Jabra : Soru.

He disappeared.

The bullet hits the wall.

Jabra : Oh? Firecracker.

He appears in front of Usopp and kick him into the wall.

Nami : USOPP!!

Usopp falls on the ground. Jabra picks him up by his throat.

Jabra : If you were still connected to that "Shepherd" and being protected. You would have been safe. But when a "Lamb" wanders around on his own, look it'll be eaten by a fearsome "Wolf". Gyahahahahaha!!

Zoro : Oi!! Stop it!! Wolf, bastard!!

He says while fighting Kaku.

Jabra : Now, this is the end of it!

Nami : Don't kill him!! Please!! We won't take your key!!

Jabra : Gyahahahaha! Idiot!! After this, it'll be your turn!!

He slowly brings his claw back.

Zoro : Shit!!

Jabra : Now die!!

Before his claw could hit Usopp, two kicks plant on his face. Jabra falls far on the ground. The two figures stand in front of Nami and Usopp.

Nami looks at them with tears in her eyes.

Zoro smirks.

Jabra slowly stands up.

Jabra : Who the heck are you two!?

Sanji : The "Hunters"

(Y/N) crouch down near Sogeking and heals him.

Nami : Sanji-kun!! How did you manage to go back normal?

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