Operation Start

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(Y/N) : EHHH!? (Y/N)-kun, he's talking about a Yonko here!!!

Nami : First of, Traffy change our bodies.

(Y/N) : Wait! Wa-

Law : Room.

Law : Shambles.

He puts them back in there better.

(Y/N) : Haa... This is better.

Nami : Damnit...

(Y/N) : So, Luffy. What do you think?

Nami : That's right, Luffy you mustn't listen! Going along with what he says should be the last thing we do!!

Law : I'm not saying that we can take them down just like that...!! But if we carefully follow the plan that I prepared, we should be able grasp an opportunity.

Law : What do you say? Mugiwara-ya.

Luffy : This Yonko you're talking about... Who is it?

Law : His name is...


Luffy : I see. Alright then! Let's do it!


(Y/N) : YOOSHH!!

Time skip brought to you by (Y/N) who's having a thumb fight with the same Akatsuki guy.

Back with the Straw hats.

Sanji & Usopp : WHAAAAAAA!?

Sanji : We're forming an alliance with the Heart Pirtaes!!!?

Usopp : I thought you just went to rescue Nami!! How did that lead to such a preposterous events!!?

(Y/N) throws a hand over Law's shoulder.

(Y/N) : Hihihihi! I never thought I could work with you! Welcome to the alliance, you'll be loosing your brain cell each time you spend with us.

Robin : Luffy, I won't object your decision but do be aware that pirate alliance go hand in hand with betrayal.

Luffy : Are you gonna betray us?

Law : No.

(Y/N) : Hihi!

Usopp : OH, FOR THE LOVE OF...!!

Luffy : Anyways, Tra-guy is (Y/N)'s friend so I trust him...

(Y/N) : And you guys have been training hard for two years, I'm sure you're all strong.

Everyone : EEEEEEHHHH!!!?

Usopp : You guys...!!

They all become flustered.

Nami : D... Don't say things like that! You'll make me all embarrassed!

Usopp : Yosh, you guys. You can count on us! If Zoro and the others don't agree, I'll personally make sure that they change there minds!!

Law then uses Shambles again.

Chopper : I'm back in my body...!

Chopper : You guys, what do you call all these injuries!!? What kind of way it is to treat another person's body?!!

Luffy : It was Franky's fault... Wait where's he?

Sanji : Uwaaahh!! I want my super body back!!

He was inside Sanji's body.

Sanji : Do something!!! Trafalgar!!!

Law : Can't do anything without your body.

Law : So, these are the kids, huh?

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