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Usopp : So that's why Sanji left...

The Straw hats were head towards the meet Nekomamushi. Carrot and Wanda We're escorting them.

Usopp : So the key to all of this... Is his family!!

Robin : Vinsmoke... I know I've heard that name before!!

(Y/N) : I'm pretty sure you do, Robin. Just like me, you were also an assassin before... Vinsmoke is a family of assassins from North Blue.

(Y/N) : If Sanji was the one who prevented you from holding him back. It wasn't your fault.

Nami : You're awake?!

His head was laying on her lap.



Franky : Can you believe that he's the one Big Mom invited to her Tea Party?!

Usopp : I wonder why?

Robin : It's not just him... Several other Emperors of the underworld have been invited.


Robin : Underworld empror are different. However, if I remember correctly, Reaper stopped his work three years ago.

Robin : Right after people started calling him the, Prince of Assassins....

Robin looks at (Y/N).

Robin : He probably wouldn't want me to talk about that.

Usopp : But why'd they put a invitation on the newspaper!?

Robin : Nobody knows his true identity...

Usopp : Ehh?!

Luffy : Alright!!!

Everyone look at him.

Luffy : Let's go ask Sanji!!!

Chopper : WHAAT?!!!

Usopp : You mean go to Big Mom?!!! Have you forgotten you already picked a fight with her!?

Franky : If we barge in without a plan, we'll get crushed!!!

Robin : This is an emperor, Luffy.

Luffy : What're you guys saying?!! Do you think I'll let (Y/N) go there alone?!!

Everyone fell quite.

Nami : Luffy's right.

Nami : Do you guys remember what he said?

Mini Flashback

(Y/N) : Hihihihi! Don't worry... I'll get him back by myself if I have to!

Mini Flashback end

Wanda : We're here.

Luffy : OHHH!!!

Luffy : OHHH!!!

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