Biscuit Room

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Girl 1 : Who are they...? I've never seen them.

(Y/N) : Guys, were we kidnapped by some kind of nursery?

Franky : I think we dropped anchor on an island of giants.

Nami : But there are regular sized children too.

(Y/N) : If this is really a nursery then there should be someone to supervise them.

Girl 1 : Are you one of those frozen people!? How did you escape?!

Nami : Frozen people?

Franky : This island is getting more and more mysterious.

The boys in the room notice him.

Boy 1 : Isn't that... A ROBOT?!!

Boys : IT'S A ROBOT!! A ROBOT!!!

They all start to run towards Franky.

Nami : Uhh... Guys?

(Y/N) : Stampede incoming! I repeat, stampede incomi-

A kid walks over him.

Nami : Woah, are you okay?

(Y/N) : Yeah... Yeah I'm fine...

All the boys surround Franky.

Boys : Robot!! Robot!! Robot!!! Robot!!!

Franky : Oh, you guys...



Nami walks to the girls.

Nami : What did she meant by the ones who were frozen...?

Girl 1 : Look it's a plushie!!!

Girl 2 : A stuffed racoon!!

Chopper & (Y/N) : I/He am/is a reindeer!!!

One of the girls pick him up.

Girl 1 : So tiny and so cute!

Chopper : Help me, guys!!!

(Y/N) : Girls, see if you don't drop him, okay?!

(Y/N) : They aren't gonna listen.

Meanwhile, a boy walks to Sanji.

Boy : Look, his eyebrows are curly.

Sanji : Shut up, pipsqueak!!!

Girl : Yeah, they really are curly!

They all start to laugh.

(Y/N) : He's getting bullied.

Nami : Hey, will someone listen to me?!!!

(Y/N) : Calm down. They're having fun, let them be.

Nami looks at the kids.

Nami : You're right.

A group of kids walk towards them.

Girl 1 : Mister, I saw that you had wings!

(Y/N) : Yes, I do.

Girl 2 : C-Can you show them to us?!

(Y/N) : Why, of course.

His wings sprout out.

Boy 1 : Woah...

Boy 2 : They're black... unlike her...

Girl 1 : Are you... An angel?

(Y/N) : An angel, you say? Hmm...

(Y/N) : Nope.

Girl 1 : Eh... Why?

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