New Age (2 years later)

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Two years have passed since the war between Marine HQ, the royal Shichibukai and the Whitebeard Pirates.

Little Garden, Grand Line.

Gaban : Oi!! (Y/N)!!

He was walking through the forest. Suddenly, the volcano erupts.

The ground starts to rumble.

Gaban : Looks like I wouldn't have to look for him all day.

He walks up ahead. Suddenly he hears clashes, he then looks up.

 Suddenly he hears clashes, he then looks up

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Dory : Gyabababa!! You're strong as always!

Brogy : Kaphapahapha!! You aren't half weak.

Suddenly, they hear a voice.

(Y/N) : Today is last day I'm clashing with you guys!! I won't hold back!!

His hairs were a little longer than before and his body was a bit build.

He says flying up.

Dory : Bring it on!! Little human!!

Time skip.

All of them were now calmed down.

(Y/N) takes off his hoodie that he was hanging around is waist.

(Y/N) : Time passes pretty quickly...

He also takes off his cap from his belt loop.

(Y/N) : Heh... Can't wait to meet those idiots.

He looks up revealing a scar around his left eye. (Like Garp's)

Dory : Thanks for clashing with us for past 2 years, little human.

(Y/N) : Likewise.

Gaban : Let's go then.

(Y/N) : Yeah. Let's go, back to Sabaody!

Few days later.

The doors of Shakki's rip off bar open.

Shakki : Oh my!

Rayleigh : You're the second one to arrive.

(Y/N) : And who was the first?

Shakki : Roronoa-chan.

(Y/N) : Hihihi... He probably lost his way here. Oh, by the way. Gaban-san said he won't be able to have drink with you he had some work.

Rayleigh : That's fine. You look stronger.

(Y/N) : Of course. I became stronger.

Time skip brought to you by pumped up Author-kun.

(Y/N) was walking around the main market. He was wearing a mask.

He looks at the reader.

(Y/N) : Don't forget wearing a mask when you're going outside.

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