Goodbye Nakama

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The Straw hats were standing on a different boat. Luffy had a fire torch in his hand and was near Merry.

Luffy : Are you guys ready?

He asks the Straw hats.

(Y/N) : Yeah...

Luffy : Merry. The bottom of the Sea is dark and lonely. We'll see you off here.

He slowly starts to put the fire.

Luffy : Maybe, it's for the best that Usopp isn't around... There's no way he could.. endure this.

Zoro : And what would you say about this?

He ask Sogeking.

Usopp : A time of separation has come. When men part ways tears should not be shed. He's fully prepared for the moment.

Luffy puts fire on Merry and comes back.

Luffy : Thanks for carrying us all the time... Merry.

Snow starts falling from the sky as Merry slowly burns.

(Y/N) : I might not be on the ship for as long as others but... it felt like home...

He thinks with a small tear in his eyes as he see Merry burning. Suddenly they all hear a voice.

"I'm sorry"

More tears start to form in his eyes.

"I wanted to carry you a little bit further..."

The tears slowly starts rolling down.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to go on more adventures with you... but I...

Luffy : We're the ones who have to apologize, Merry!!

He says while (Y/N) held his head crying.

Luffy : I'm not good at navigating and I crashed you into an Iceberg!! I even ripped the sail sometimes!! Zoro and Sanji are idiots, so they broke many things, too!! Usopp tried to fix you many time, but he's not good at it either!! We're sorry..

They all wait for a reply.

"But I was happy."

"Thank you for taking good care of me until now."

"I was really happy."

The Straw hats all cry as one of there Nakama slowly drowns at the bottom of the sea.

Luffy : MERRY!!!

(Y/N) looks up in the sky as more tears start coming again.

(Y/N) looks up in the sky as more tears start coming again

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The soul was looking at Usopp who was crying.

(Y/N) : I'll never forget you, Merry...

Two days after the incident.

The Straw hats were now back at Water 7 and were currently staying in Galley-la company's temporary headquarters.

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