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Ceaser : As I thought, it's never wise to trust people! You have nobody but yourself to blame for this, Law!!!

He just took back the kids from Usopp and Nami and now he was talking to Law from the other side of the cage.

Ceaser : Your heart is currently in the possession of Vergo here!

He squeeze Law's heart.

Law screams in pain.

Ceaser tells them how he knew about Law.

Monet : Master, I've prepared the transmission.

Ceaser : I see, I see... Very well! Activate!!

An image pops up.

Luffy : It's a candy

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Luffy : It's a candy.

(Y/N) : A big candy...

Meanwhile, Ceaser introduce the underworld brokers about his Smiley.

Ceaser : In order to correct this, I'll provide Smiley, a piece of food, which my calculations indicate... Should add a certain new effect on the poison gas.

Ceaser : I call it... Shinokuni!!!

Suddenly, a giant frog made up of slime come towards the candy.

Suddenly, a giant frog made up of slime come towards the candy

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Ceaser : Smiley!!!

Ceaser : I've missed you three long years!!! Remember? It was four years ag-

Without listening to him, the frog gulps the candy.

Luffy : What a huge frog.

(Y/N) : And it really isn't listening to him.

After some time, the candy start to show it's affect.

(Y/N) : It turned into smoke.

All of the gaurds start to run along with Zoro and others.

(Y/N) : They don't have to run, it's just smoke.

One of Ceaser's gaurds gets caught in the smoke.

One of Ceaser's gaurds gets caught in the smoke

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