Ghost ship (Thriller Bark)

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Fuusha Village, East blue

Villager 1 : FEAST!!

Villager 2 : We're having a feast!!

The whole village was gathered in Makino's bar to have a party.

Villager 3 : In honour of two most successful pirates from the east!! A head worth 300 million and another worth 285 million!!

All : Cheers to Luffy and (Y/N)!!

Mayor : Shush, guys!! You ought to be ashamed!!

Mayor says from a corner. Makino was flipping through the wanted posters.

Makino : They seems to be having fun. They also have such a cute pet, too..

She stops and looks at (Y/N)'s poster.

Makino : (Y/N)... He hasn't changed.

She says with some tears.

Mayor :*sweatdrops* Yes, he has.

Makino : So, these are their friends.

Mayor : Do they look like people you'd call "friends"!?

Mayor : Someone from our village became a vicious criminal who opposes the entire world!! I've never heard of a pirate picking fight with the world government!!

Makino : True.

Mayor : What is Garp doing!? All three generations of that family are crazy.. I wonder if Dadan knows about it...

Everyone : Cheers!!

Mayor : Shut up!!

Back at the Sunny

Luffy : I caught one~!!

Usopp : Put it in the aquarium!!

Luffy and Usopp were fishing and Luffy caught a shark and threw it inside the aquarium.

Inside the room, Robin, Franky, Sanji and (Y/N) were sitting.

Franky : What a super drink. You really are talented, (Y/N).

Robin : Yes, I'm impressed.

(Y/N) : I was grown in a bar basically so I just watched and learned.

The shark that Luffy and Usopp threw inside the aquarium ate all the other fishes.

(Y/N) : Why did they even threw a shark in here?

Suddenly, both of them came through the door.

Both : Yoo!!

Usopp : A shark dropped in right!? That thing's a beauty, I tell ya!!

Robin : Yes, it went in, but all the fish you caught up to now have disappeared, you see?

Sanji : Think of what can live together, it's as simple as that!!

Luffy : Goddammit!! We're having that bastard for dinner!! Sanji!! Barbecue that stupid shark!!

(Y/N) : I'm going for a shower.

He says as he makes his way to his room for some clothes. As, he reaches the bathroom he heard someone.

Nami : Haa.. what a nice bath! A huge bath tub rocked by the waves. It's the best.

She says while fixing her hair.

(Y/N) knocks.

Nami : Who's there?

(Y/N) : It's me Dio- I mean (Y/N). Are you done?

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