Rail Car

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The ceiling falls back down. Small rumbles start to fall on the floor.

Luffy : I hope everyone is alright.

(Y/N) : Don't worry, they'll be fine.

He was healing Brownbeard.

Ceaser : You bastards screwed up my paradise!!!

He opens his mouth.

Ceaser : GASTILLE!!

He shoots a laser at them.

(Y/N) dodges it, but his cap falls on the ground.

(Y/N) : Ah!!

The laser pass through it. Creating a hole.

(Y/N) : No!!!

He picks it up.

(Y/N) : My cap...

Ceaser : Damnit!! Oi, open the vents!!!

Ceaser : I said immediately!! I don't care about you guinea pigs!!! I can replace you any time!!

Shortly after, the gaurds open the vents and Shinokuni starts to flow in.

Ceaser : Shurororo!! Now become my power!!!

(Y/N) looks at him.

He swings his hand

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He swings his hand

Gaurd : Master...!! Stop-

Ceaser turns his gaurds into stone.

(Y/N) : Momo, hold this cap.

He hands it over to him. He and Luffy run back to the hallway.

Ceaser : Oi!!! Where do you think you're going!!? Get cold feet all of a sudden?!! What a disgrace!!!

(Y/N) and Luffy stop and turn around.

Luffy inflates both of his hands and (Y/N) light up his leg.

They both armament them and start running back at Ceaser.

They both jump in the air.


Luffy : GOMU GOMU NO...

(Y/N) : BLACK....

Ceaser : Wait!!! How about I let you work under me...?!!!!


(Y/N) : PHEONIX!!!!

The attacks send Ceaser flying through the walls.

Time skip brought to you by the new student, Nefertari Vivi.

Nami : (Y/N)-kun!!

(Y/N) : Yo! Your injuries didn't reopened, right!?

Nami : I'm fine!

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