Going Merry

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Kaku and (Y/N) were flying through the city. Kaku was jumping from one building to another. (Y/N) was in deep thoughts.

(Y/N) : Why is a guy from CP9 here?! He can't be alone there must be others too..

He was pulled out of thought by Kaku.

(Y/N) : Huh... You said something?

Kaku : I was asking, where's your ship?

(Y/N) : Oh right this way..

He leads Kaku to the peninsula where Merry was.

Kaku : Oh so that's your ship! Nice..

(Y/N) : Yeah..

Kaku jumps on the deck.

Kaku : Excuse me.

Zoro was sleeping against the railing.

Zoro : Oh... It's just Usopp.

Kaku : It's worn down pretty badly..

Kaku : We probably have to replace the mast.

Zoro then realises it. He takes out two of his sword and yells.


(Y/N) : Calm down Zoro, he's a mechanic..

Zoro : Oh (Y/N), shouldn't you be with Luffy and the others?

(Y/N) : I was leading him to the ship. Luffy and the others are at the shipyard.

Zoro : Oh, okay..

(Y/N) : I'll be in the boy's quarter. Call me if you need anything.

He inform to both of them and walks of to the boy's quarter. Once he enters he rushes over to his bag and start searching.

(Y/N) : Where is it? Where is it!?

After 10 minutes he pulls out a photo of a man who have a hat and a small beard and a pigeon on his shoulder.

(Y/N) : We have to be careful with this Lucci guy!

He then hears footsteps. He quickly puts the photo in his pocket.

Zoro : (Y/N).... That mechanic is calling you..

(Y/N) : I'll be there in a minute!

Zoro walks off. (Y/N) comes out of the door and walk towards the deck. He sees that the mechanic have a serious look.

(Y/N) : So what is it?

Kaku : Well the thing is...

Back at the shipyard

Luffy : That was amazing!

Usopp : They both flew down from here..

??? : It's alright.

They all turn in surprise from and saw a purple haired man who has a hamster in his shirt pocket and there lady beside him who have blonde hair.

Usopp : EH! WHO ARE YOU!!?

Lady : He does that frequently.

Man : HeHeHe don't underestimate our carpenters. In order to repair the ship in the fastest ship and gelding the best result.. We don't hire just average
workers with average physic.

He explains while petting his hamster.

Man : Kalifa?

Man : Kalifa?

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