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Kiado looks at them.

Kaido : You are...

Luffy : Luffy. The man who'll be the Pirate King!

Kaido opens his mouth to shoot another blast.

(Y/N) and Luffy fly up.

Luffy : GOMU GOMU NO...


He kicks Kaido on the face.

Then suddenly, Kaido hears someone from above.

(Y/N) : CORE BLACK!!!!

He throws the big flame ball at Kaido. It blast in mid air.

Kaido falls in the middle of the town and shrinks into his normal form.

He stands up again.

Kaido : Those bastards...

Luffy : GOMU GOMU NO...

Luffy : KONG ORGAN!!!!

He punch Kaido's whole body.

Luffy : AAAAGHHHHHHH!!!! GO!! (Y/N)!!!!


Kaido falls on the ground again.

Luffy : Ha... Haa...

(Y/N) : Luffy... Look...

Kiado stands up again an grabs his metal kanabō.

(Y/N) : You....

Kaido rush towards them and swings his Kanabō

Kaido rush towards them and swings his Kanabō

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Both Luffy and (Y/N) fell down.

Kaido : What kind of king did you say you'll be...?

Kaido : You brat!!!

He says while looking Luffy. Then he looks towards (Y/N).

Kaido : So that's his son, huh? Tsk.

Some Beast Pirates walk near them.

Beast Pirate 1 : In just a single hit!!

Beast Pirate 2 : Well, they were hit by Kaido-sama's kanabō after all.

Beast Pirate 3 : I'm surprised that they're still breathing!!

Kaido : Of course they are.

Beast Pirates : Huh?

Kaido : I can't tell... If that's their unyielding fighting spirit or if some kind of false bravado, but...

Kaido : They've been glaring at me for a while now.

Beast Pirate 2 : But these guys... Look unconscious to me...

Kaido : WORORORORO!!! Throw them in a cell!!! Once we've broken their spirit, they'll be formidable soliders for us!!

Beast Pirates : Yes!!!

They try to pick them up.

But suddenly all of them fall unconscious with white foam coming out of their mouths.

The other Beast Pirates run towards them.

Beast Pirate 1 : WHAAT?! OI!! WHAT HAPPENED?!!!

Kaido turns back.

Kaido : So... You also have it... The Conquerers Haki. Just like that brat, Kidd...

Kaido : We don't need that many Conquerers.

Kaido turns back into a dragon and fly away to Onigashima.

Time skip.

The next day, Udon.

The gates of the Prison opens.

Beast Pirate 1 : Oii!!! It's the rumoured new comers!!

(Y/N) and Luffy walk in with some other Beast Pirates. Their faces were covered by bandages. They were cuffed and tied to a horse.

Beast Pirate 2 : So that's them... The men who went against Kaido-sama...

Beast Pirate 3 : And also destroyed half of the town in the process!!

Beast Pirate 4 : You're finally here, newbies!!

All the pirates look at them with smug faces.

Beast Pirate 2 : I thought they'd be at least as big as an All-star!!

(Y/N) glares at them.

Beast Pirate 3 : Huh?! What's with that glare?! I'll make you lose that shine in your eyes in no time!!

Beast Pirate 4 : What's this?! He's glaring at the gaurds!!

He lifts his whip.

But before he could hit (Y/N). The gaurd falls down.

(Y/N) and Luffy continue to walk.

The gaurds open a cell.

Gaurd 1 : Well, first thing's first, get in there!!!

They throw both of them I side the cell.

Gaurd 1 : And you'll stay here until your will breaks and you pledge your alliance with Kaido-sama!!

Gaurd 2 : Starting from tomorrow, we'll push you around until you want to die...! We'll work you to death!! Gyahahaha!!!

The gaurds walk away.

(Y/N) and Luffy fail to notice another person in the cell.

All three of them look up.

(Y/N), Luffy & Kidd : You'll pay for this... Kaido...!!!

(Y/N) & Luffy turn towards Kidd.

(Y/N), Luffy & Kidd : Hm? You are...

One Piece Stroll.

Sabo : You have any experience with children?

(Y/N) : Yeah, I chill all the time.

Sabo : No. Like a baby.

(Y/N) : ...

(Y/N) : I was one of them-

New Nakama (One Piece X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now