Lady ( The (Y/N) flashback)

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The Fishmen Pirates and Jinbe stayed behind to help the Straw hats escape.

Somewhere else

Morgans : KUWAHAHAHA!!! That's right!! Escape!!! Straw hat! Reaper!!

Stussy : You sound like you're on their side...

Morgans : I am... Straw hat and Reaper are the prime candidate, after all... Here's what I think, Stussy... Among those recently referrred as the Worst Generation... One of them will rise to be the next Pirate King!!!

Time skip

Having gained a powerful shield, The Straw hats successfully escaped from the Yonko Big Mom's Territory.


Chopper : You definitely shouldn't throw it away!!!

They were begging Sanji to not to throw his raid suit.

Carrot bring the newspaper.

Carrot : Luffy and (Y/N)'s picture is on here!!

Luffy : Anything about Jinbe?!!


He runs to the deck and picks up his own and runs to a side.

(Y/N) : Hihihi!! Now we're talking!

Luffy : Uwaaahhhh!!!

(Y/N) : Hm?

He walks back.

(Y/N) : What's up Luffy?

Luffy : My bounty.... They decreased it!

(Y/N) : Decreased? Lemme check.

(Y/N) checks his bounty.

(Y/N) : Pfft! Hahahahaha!!!

Luffy : Oi!! Don't laugh, you bastard!!!

(Y/N) : Alright... Alright...

(Y/N) : I'll let them realise.

He fly up to crow's nest and lays down on its roof.

Brook looks at Luffy's bounty.

Brook : One hundred thousand... One million... Ten million....

Everyone : EEEHHHHHHHH?!!!

(Y/N) : They finally realised, huh?

He looks up at the sky.

Chopper : Oi!! (Y/N)!! What about your bounty!!?

Nami : (Y/N)-kun!!

But he doesn't reply.

Chopper : He's been a lot quieter since we escaped from Whole Cake Island...

Nami : That's illegal!!

Chopper : EHHH?!!

Nami : He can't feel down!! That's illegal!!

Back with (Y/N).

(Y/N) sighs.

(Y/N) : It's been 3 years already... huh?

Flashback (3 years ago)

(Y/N) : I wonder if penguins have knees...

An 18 year old (Y/N) thinks to himself as he walks through the markets of Sabaody.

Suddenly, he comes across a big crowd.

(Y/N) : What's going on?

He asks a random citizen.

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