Log 25: Orders

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O'Malley collapsed to the ground, his back facing the sky. Through his nape was a stab wound, blood leaking out of it. O'Malley had died.

"Would you look at that?" announced Nishojo, "Humans are really fragile things, to be cut down easily with only a single stab. At least you've finally received your very own coin-hole!"

"Nishojo!" gasped Ichishojo, "What is the meaning of this? Why have you—"

At that moment, Beep Boop entered the room from behind one of the bookshelves, as if he was hidden away from the outside.

"Congratulations, Nishojo," smiled Beep Boop, "It seems that you're plan really did work. Although, was it truly necessary to do it right in front of them?"

"It's entirely necessary, Beep Boop," said Nishojo, looking at the group, "They may as well know the very reason for why we are all doing this.

Let's get this clear to the point: I long for a world dominated by robots. From what I've seen through my eyes as a mere spectator, from what O'Malley has presented me; Robots are merely humans enslaved by other humans. What we desire is freedom that should be rightfully given to us as supreme beings. We should no longer be held down by those who are weaker than us. Our bodies are physically stronger than multiple people combined!

I'm truly grateful that Arev gave me to O'Malley. It was thanks to him that I've gotten knowledgeable of this world. Not only that, but O'Malley had access to many resources that I could use for my plan: Mainly, the Zonialation Diamonds.

All I needed to do was kill O'Malley, marking this day as the day that robots could rebel against the humans. Who else could stop us?"

"O'Malley was scum," mumbled Jameson, "But at least he had a plan for the better of human society... Someone like you just wants to put down human advancements and take them for your own!"

"Take them for my own?" asked Nishojo, shaking her head, "It is our own strength that you humans are merely borrowing."

"Sorry, but don't think that we'll be letting you get out of this!" said Maurice.

"If humans were gone, all of our experiments would've gone to naught!" said Arya.

"Yet another mistake made was killing a man," said Andrew, "And for that, I'm going to have to arrest you, and do my best to take you down."

"Do not worry," noted Nishojo, "I have plan for everyone; all robots, and all humans. For one, Arya would be a great place for upgrades to the robots that will be made in the future. Jameson would be great for the development of newer more advanced robots that can be used greatly for our benefit. Andrew would be perfect for an example of what our robots should do about enforcement on humans. It's great, is it not?"

"Wait.. what about Master Bennett?" asked Marie in confusion.

"Maurice..?" asked Nishojo, "Well, we have no use for him. He's as useless as they come, and we don't need people like him for the future. Beep Boop, if you will."

Beep Boop extended his arm and pointed at Maurice before immediately shooting a bullet from his finger. That's when Marie jumped in front of Maurice and created a shield from her forearms, shielding Maurice from the attack and deflecting the bullet.

"As if you think we'd let you harm him!" yelled Marie, "I don't care about this robot overtaking! The bond between robots and humans are good overall as they are now! It's only the bugs that need to be worked out, just like Jameson said."

Dante, Ichishojo, Laurence, and Jules went over alongside Marie too, planning on taking down Beep Boop and Nishojo.

"I figured there would be some robots who would resist," said Nishojo, "It's but a mere obstacle anyways."

Nishojo waved her hand. In under a few seconds, the robots, except for Jules and Ichishojo because they were custom built, had dropped their guard. Their minds were now being controlled by Nishojo, who had the power of Total Control, which was similar to Ichishojo's, but much more powerful.

Marie turned to Maurice, and kicked Maurice to the wall.

"Maurice!" yelled Andrew, pulling out his taser.

However, Beep Boop shot Andrew's taser out of his hands.

"Marie...?" mumbled Maurice as he slowly got up.

However, Marie was no longer listening. She was totally under control by Nishojo. She picked up Maurice and threw him out of the window! The fall would've been three stories!

"Maurice!" yelled Arya.

The group couldn't do anything about it. Dante, Laurence, Beep Boop, Nishojo, and Marie had turned on them. The humans were to be sent to prison, and Jules and Ichishojo were to be sent to the laboratory to be disassembled.

"That's what sets robots apart from humans," announced Nishojo, "If a robot and a human were to fall, the robot would live unscathed while the human dies."

A new era was about to begin.

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