Log 17: Furnace

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"The vials were manufactured at Ables Corp," explained Arya, "Which is pretty odd considering that Ables Corp has been abandoned for multiple years already, and hadn't even been up and active since the nuclear war. Hadn't even lived up to the robot era, which is pretty interesting considering that these vials were built into the robots."

"So what does that mean?" asked Andrew in confusion.

"It means that we'll have to find the answers at the source," said Jules, pointing at junkyard, "I would preferably not enter, as I'm afraid of junkyards. Being surrounded by the very thing that has been surrounding me before my existence.

It's claustrophobic.. and it scares me quite a lot."

"Nonsense!" yelled Arya, grabbing Jules' hand and walking into the junkyard, ignoring her PTSD, "Come on! Let's brace for adventure!"

"This is the second junkyard we've been through on this search," mumbled Laurence.

"It's only natural considering that 15% of Engine City's landscape are junkyards that people dump their garbage and scrapped parts," commented Maurice, "Hey, maybe we could find another Dante!"

Dante barked in aggression. He didn't like being replaced.

"I'm only kidding," smiled Maurice, giving Dante a bolt for a treat, "Chomp on this. Should be tasty for robots and should train your jaws."

Dante munched on the bolt, breaking it into pieces as if it was rubbery marshmallow. The jaw strength of Dante was unmatched, and quite frankly, it scared Andrew to an extent.

Soon, the group saw the remains of Ables Corp, which was just a worn down factory. By the factory's side was a man sitting on a chair in a small shed. He seemed to be polishing a weapon. He had gray, long, jet black hair pulled backwards by a thin sweatband with a dirt stained face. He also wore a grey, ragged jumpsuit and sturdy boots.

Arya walked up to the man, "Hello sir! We're—"

The man got up and immediately touched Arya's breasts, groping it.

"Hey, isn't this some form of sexual harassment?" asked Jules calmly.

"Put down those handcuffs, Andrew," announced Maurice, "We can settle this in a more civilized manner."

The man sat down on his chair with a lump in his head. He scratched it to ease the pain.

"As I was saying," continued Arya, "We're looking for anyone that works for Ables Corp, the factory that right here, if there are any workers."

"You're looking at him," the man replied.

"And you are?" asked Andrew.

"Baxter Ables," said the man.

"...is that your introduction?" asked Andrew, "Nothing else? Why'd you touch her boob?"

"I'm a visual learner," said Baxter, wriggling his hands in the air.

"Please put the handcuffs down, Andrew," commented Laurence.

"Robots and humans look so much alike," said Baxter, "It's hard to tell which one is which unless I touch them."

"Anyways, you're the person that works for Ables Corp., eh?" asked Maurice, strutting over to Baxter and showing off the vials in his hand with a cigarette in his mouth, "You ever made these types of machines?"

"Yeah," said Baxter, fiddling around with his cabinet, "I work in this factory after my dad as a bootleg engineer for third party companies. I get commissions from time to time."

"So you know who commissioned for the creation of these vials right?" asked Maurice.

"I'm not in any law of confidentiality. I've gotten them commissioned from the O'Malley company."

"The what..?" asked Andrew in shock, walking a bit closer to the shed.

"The O'Malley party," said Laurence, thinking about the name, "Isn't that the person who's going against the Arev party in the news? The one who supports robots for society? Why would O'Malley want to create these vials?"

"Not to mention," snapped Maurice with his fingers, "Why would O'Malley want to hide the potential of the Zonialation Diamonds? Something fishy is going on with that candidate, and I'm not really liking it. I support his cause and I'm not really into Arev's views, but something like this is real suspicious."

"Master Bennett," spoke up Marie, "I'm sensing some danger coming towards here."

Dante barked as well, sensing the danger. The group began to hide behind the shed, alongside Baxter who hid behind the counter. Andrew and the rest were confused on who the danger was.

"Marie has this danger sensing rig that lets her know if something can potentially harm me," said Maurice, "Lots of things can harm me, but there are levels of indication that show objects of greater threat. Doesn't function well in high populated areas like Kakegurui, but for isolated junkyards like these; They're extremely helpful."

"What are the dangers anyway?" asked Andrew as he turned to Baxter, "Who would even go through this junkyard? You don't have any clients coming here today, would you?"

"Oh I do," answered Baxter back quickly, "The O'Malley company."

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