Log 22: Streets

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"Can you believe it?" asked Andrew, "Ugh.. I can't believe it myself. Why would they fire me?"

"Not responding to duties was the issue," replied Laurence.

"But I've been doing my duties well!" yelled Andrew in frustration.

"Don't drop your groceries now."

The two had just came from the supermarket. Andrew had recently been notified that he was relieved from his duties. Laura had asked them to buy some things from the supermarket in an attempt to hopefully cook Andrew's head down. She must've known what it felt like to lose a job that a person would be passionate about.

"I just can't believe that!" yelled Andrew, "You saw everything what we were doing right? We even went above and beyond and tried to find out ourselves! We were literally doing our jobs!"

"I'm assuming that the police station doesn't see it that way," said Laurence, pondering about the situation, "Say.. do you think that Beep Boop ratted our identities out? O'Malley must've heard about our intentions and decided to remove us to prevent further investigation on the matter."

"That bastard!" yelled Andrew, dropping the groceries on the ground and kicking a nearby wall, "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! I won't forgive him for messing with my job, the very reason I try to live in this place! Laurence! Once we get home, we're contacting the others and storming up to O'Malley's office. We're going to expose him of his malicious actions!"

"You should work on calming down first," said Laurence, picking up the rest of the groceries, "It won't be of any use if you just charge right in without having a proper discussion. O'Malley is an authoritative figure that could control most of the city, even the government at his will. If we just straight up attack him, he could lock us up in jail for assault. You are aware of the consequences, correct?"

"Yeah, yeah," mumbled Andrew, picking up the groceries from Laurence's hands, "At the very least, I don't want to end up like the same filthy criminals that I throw in jail."

As the two walked through the streets, Laurence got a sense of urgency and rushed Andrew into an alleyway.

"What happened Laurence?" asked Andrew, looking around the alleyway.

"Something's following us!" replied Laurence, "Something seriously dangerous. Move!"

Laurence and Andrew rushed away from the corner that they hid behind. When Andrew looked back, he noticed that the bricked corner had melted away. Something was definitely targeting them! They had to run or they might've ended up light those bricks!

However, before they could even run, they ran into a rusty old robot. It seemed to be made out of scraps, with rusty parts jumbling as it made a move. There were torn pieces of fabric surrounding it, and it's face was even disfigured with pieces of metal. However, what was more unnerving was the clearly distinguishable purple gas surrounding the robot like mist.

"Well, it's painfully obvious," said Laurence, "We're not getting anywhere near that."

Laurence and Andrew ran the other direction, however the robot had spit out some form of goop from its mouth. The goop had splattered onto Andrew's coat and on the groceries!

"Andrew!" yelled Laurence, "Get rid of your coat quickly!"

Andrew did what he was told, dropping the groceries as he took off his coat. Both of the objects began to melt, slowly transforming into nothing but purple goop.

"The groceries!" yelled Andrew in anger, "It's bad enough that I've got no job! But now we've wasted money!"

"This robot..." Laurence said, inspecting it, "It's ability is to definitely take us out and kill us. It seems like anything it touches... or at least anything that goop touches turns into poison! Poison that could melt the very thing it touches!"

Soon, the robot was upon them however. It had lunged towards them, planning on delivering its purple poison surrounding it to melt them.


The robot was thrown back by a burst of air, causing it to crash into a pile of trash. Andrew and Laurence turned behind them to find two figures protecting them.

"I pushed it away, Arev," said the robot.

"Thanks, Ichishojo," replied Jameson.

"That's.. Ichishojo!" exclaimed Laurence, "The idol Generation 0 robot! And beside her is what I assume to be Jameson Arev."

"Right... the guy that thinks that robots like you aren't needed," mumbled Andrew in slight anger, already disapproving of Jameson's presence.

"We shouldn't be thinking about that now," announced Ichishojo, "We'll have a chance to talk later. For now, we're going to focus on saving you from that assassin robot that O'Malley sent!"

"O'Malley sent this robot?" asked Andrew in confusion.

The group turned to find the robot slowly standing up once again, the pile of trash melting upon contact. It was ready to attack once again.

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