Log 15: Furry Fetishes

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"Maurice," mumbled Andrew, "What kind of cafe did you take us to?"

The cafe was as normal as it could be: Polished floors, clean windows, and fine tasting beverages. However, there was something that was off about the establishment the group were attending: There was a catgirl taking their order.

"This is a cafe that suits the needs of the common man," smiled Maurice, looking out of the windows of the peaceful city, "Generation 3 robots were made for the sole purpose of the consumers."

"The consumers are perverts," mumbled Andrew as he finished ordering.

"I myself don't see the purpose of Generation 3 other than to pleasure the public in ways Generation 1 can't," commented Laurence.

"Generation 3 has more mechanics than you think," explained Marie, "Generation 1 has a bit more outdated machinery, but Generation 3 was the sole reason for the drastic change in Generation 4's construction.

You see, there's a huge difference between Generation 1 and Generation 4. That being the inner parts of the robots. Generation 3 and 4 resemble more human-like anatomy and structure while Generation 1 focuses on basic machinery like cords and wires.

In conclusion, 3 and 4 are more human-like than Generation 1. Although it has been said that there was one Generation 0 robot that has shown to look like an actual human! We can't really come to a clear conclusion on this controversy however."

Upon finishing her explanation, the group was met with their orders, and they continued to partake in the establishment. Despite the initial disgust, Andrew and Laurence both found the food at the Cat Cafe very tasty.

"So now you know about the history of rowboats right?" asked Maurice, pridefully huffing his chest about his knowledge.

"Like we asked about a lecture," commented Laurence.

"Is that really the best you've got for conversation topics?" taunted Andrew, "I could do way better. Like this time I took down this one crook who tried to rob Jared's Gym. Man snuffed out the money from the register, and made a break for it through the back door.

Luckily, Laurence and I were just by the lobby, so we saw the whole thing and broke into pursuit. We run through the alleyway, where the man makes a sharp left to the streets. There, I asked for Laurence to chase him while I look for a shortcut to cut him off.

He crosses the street, making sure to evade any cars that were driving by. Laurence had to stop midway through though because the cars were driving. Gotta admit, the guy was slick for putting Laurence into an obstacle course.

But here I was! Running without stopping, sliding over the car hoods that drove by and running by the street across from him. I yell for him to stop resisting arrest, but he doesn't listen. Bad move.

I ran across the street, making sure I didn't get hit by any cars again, and the guy speeds up. I take out my taser and bang! Hit the guy in the ankles. He flails, and I tackle him! That takedown gave me so much adrenaline!"

"What an interesting story," clapped Marie.

"Boring," yawned Maurice, "It's just another tale about you taking down another criminal. Big whoop. Not only that, but you relied on a weapon again."

"Might I remind you that you're still somewhat of a criminal yourself," glared Andrew, "Don't think I've forgotten about our first encounter."

"Can't do nothing to me, Andy," scoffed Maurice back, "I've already been taken to the station and already being watched over by you. I didn't do any crimes since then, have I? All I've done is lead you toward things I think would help. Sure, you almost died one time, but I don't really interfere. Not my business if you die or not anyways, right?"

"Your kind of thinking upsets me greatly. The fact that you could just brush off a person's death and act like it's no big deal."

"It's only life, mate. Your sense of justice throws me off too. I can't stand people like you who fights on the side of righteousness without looking at their own faults. You're led blindly into whatever society throws at you, and you believe everything you see."

"I'd refrain from picking a fight," commented Laurence coldly, "This is not Kakegurui bar."

Just as Andrew was about to say something, he noticed two people enter the Cat Cafe. They were Ivan and Melissa, the interrogators from the police station. What were they doing here?

After a few moments of looking around, Ivan had spotted Andrew, "Hawkin. You're being called to the station. Some important orders from the chief or something. Something to do with the Diamonds or whatever you found."

"Right now?" asked Andrew, thinking that Arya leaked their findings, "I didn't hear anything from the chief."

"Yeah, that's why he sent us to tell you, duh," mumbled Melissa, "Come on. I don't think you'll need Laurence for this, so we'll just take you there."

"Alright then," Andrew hesitantly agreed, getting up from his chair and walking over to Ivan and Melissa.

As Andrew was being led by the two interrogators, Maurice had noticed something from the corner of his eye. Ivan had a gun pulled up against Andrew's back, with a finger near the trigger.

Quickly, Maurice got up from his chair, yelling, "Hey, Andre—!"


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