Log 26: RAM

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"I can't believe we'd raise such a failure of a son!" said Berenice.

"It's your fault for wanting one!" grumbled Vern.

"Stop blaming things on me again! You know very well you share the same faults in raising him!"

As his parents argued, Maurice sat on the chair in his room. It was a luxurious chair, with the ability to pay for a decade's worth of a meal for a single family of four. Maurice Bennett was next in line for the Royal Bennett family, an aristocratic family living near the edges of Engine City.

However, Maurice was a boy that wanted to relax. He wanted to play with toys and games instead of studying. However, his parents had forbid him from relaxing, and made sure to make him study in order to get high marks on his tests. However, even without studying, Maurice was already an exceptionally intelligent student who had received high marks regardless.

Yet, his parents still force him to keep going. Maurice was the pride of the Bennett family and they wanted him to inherit their fortune and use it for the future for the Bennett's to make their mark on Engine City.

Maurice intentionally failed his exams because his parents forbid him from relaxing just once. Forced to study, he constructed ways to fail and ways to survive on his own.

"Are you thinking about leaving again, Master Bennett?" asked Marie, his personal robot maid.

"Yeah, maybe," said Maurice, "I'm sick of this family."

"Don't stress about it too much," assured Marie, "You're the pride and joy of the Bennett Family!"

"Yeah," scoffed Maurice, "It's because I'm the pride and joy that they won't kick me out."

They kicked him out.

Maurice was disowned and exiled from the Bennett estate, and forced to live on his own. He stared back at the estate before going his own way, walking down the sidewalk until he was interrupted by Marie.

"Master Bennett," said Marie, "I was ordered to serve you, and for that I will. I'll be by your side to protect you, despite you being kicked out from the Bennett Family."

Maurice stared at the bot for a few seconds before saying, "Fine, I'll need a little company anyways. It gets lonely I've heard. Say, I've never actually known your name? What is it?"

"Marie Antoinette," replied the bot.

"That's a mouthful, Marie Antoinette," said Maurice, "I'll give you a nickname! From now on, I'll call you Marie-A(ntoinette)!"

"I'd rather just be called Marie or Marie Antoinette..." mumbled Marie nervously.

"Let's go, Maria!"

"Hey, get off of her!" yelled Maurice, waving around a baseball bat around a group of thugs, dropping his groceries.

The only clothes he had was an outfit from the grocery store he worked. If he were to get it dirty again, he'd be fired. However, he couldn't just stand by and let Marie get surrounded by thugs.

Maurice was quickly disarmed by the thugs, his baseball bat flying from his hand. They then proceeded to beat him up until Marie regained her footing and used her defensive weapons on them.

"You didn't have to do that Master Bennett!" said Marie, "I was fine! I could've gotten them, I was just taken by surprise!"

"That's not only the reason, Maria!" cried the beaten up Maurice, "I don't want to be weak! I want to be able to be strong enough to protect you, the only person who has stuck with me all this time!"

Marie sighed before shaking her head, "I appreciate the chivalry, Master Bennett. You've got your outfit dirty again.. you'll need to find another job before you learn how to defend yourself and others."

"I'll learn while I'm on the job too," said Maurice, "I passed by an old guy this morning, telling me how to fight using Gravity! Just like those kung fu movies I used to watch!"

"Make sure it's not a scam, Master Bennett," sighed Marie, "You really have to get used to Engine City and around these parts.."

"You're really irresponsible, Master Bennett," sighed Marie, "It's been years now since you've actually gotten a real job.."

"It's not like they'll accept me anyway," said Maurice, shoving the drugs into his pocket, "I've already tried everything. Plus, it's not like this job isn't that bad! It pays the bills, and we even got an apartment because of it!"

"Just be careful, Master Bennett," said Marie, hooking her charger to herself, "It's a risky job because it's illegal! I wish I could turn on everyday just to want you about that not to get caught! I'm going to be charging for three days, Master Bennett. You better not cause any trouble while I'm out! Be careful!"

"I will, I will," laughed Maurice, "Thank you Maria. Without you, I probably wouldn't have survived by now."

Marie smiled and sighed, "I am your only family up to now after all."

As Maurice fell from the three story building, he thought to himself, "Marie.... I know you're still in there. I swear I'll find a way to get back at them!"


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