Log 2: Stop Dealing Drugs

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"I hate it that whenever we're on duty there's not any actual crimes that's been going on," mumbled Andrew.

"Isn't that a good thing?" hazily commented Laurence.

Laurence and Andrew sat in a police car, hidden in an alleyway for a few hours, waiting for anything to show up in the streets. As they waited, Andrew turned on the radio to listen to the history channel.

"This station is boring," mumbled Laurence.

"It's good food for thought," replied Andrew, justifying his decisions.

2021 was the year that the world had ended up in a nuclear fallout, where a third of the human population had been wiped out. After five years of recovering, the nations were divided into two opinions: those who had supported the results of the nuclear fallout, and those who didn't. Those who supported the nuclear fall out believed that the human massacre was essential in giving society a blank slate, and those who didn't support it stated that it was pure murder.

Peaceful debate turned into chaotic anarchy as the two groups; the Garrisons and the Williams, named after Henry Garrison and Kieran Williams, went to war. They were the leaders of those who supported the nuclear fallout and those who didn't, respectively.

About three years into the war, Marvin Arev introduced the idea of robotic warfare to those who supported the results of the nuclear war. These two robots, Generation 0, were truly successful in controlling and manipulating devices to give them an advantage. Due to this, the war ended just a year after the introduction, with a temporary peace treaty being signed.

The war being held off put multiple Williams into anger. This was quickly resolved when the Garrison's shared their robots with the rest of the world. This launched robot manufacturing up to the skies, helping out people with their daily tasks, with robots known as Generation 1. During Generation 1's production, Generation 2 was secretly being created, tested for new ways to enhance these robots and possibly use them for future warfare.

Generation 2 was never released to the public.

Two years after the release of Generation 1, and the robots turned from an expensive luxury to a marketable profit. Cheaper robots that appealed to the tastes of consumers were launched, known as Generation 3. These robots were used more as playthings, having ears or tails that were similar to animals. They were used for more unprofessional manners and as company for some humans.

Just a year after Generation 3 was released, Generation 4 made their debut, being known as multipurpose tools. They had more advanced configurations and could work as both a Generation 1 and Generation 3 robot.

As these robots were being constructed and shipped out to consumers however, another controversy rose to fruition: The need for robots. As of 2033, the debate about wether robots are needed still goes on today, with popular rumors and propaganda going around about robots having the ability to kill.

However, as Marvin Arev stated: Robots cannot kill.

We do hope that his words are true.

"Wake up, Andrew!" yelled Laurence, shaking his shoulder, "I can't believe you'd fall asleep to a station that you changed to."

"Wha- huh?" mumbled Andrew.

"That guy over there by that alleyway looks suspicious," scoped out Laurence, "He's been looking around every time someone comes up to him, and they seem to be exchanging Cash and Bits for a small pouch."

"You think it's drugs?"

"Only one way to find out. Hide your badge."

The two walked up to the man in the alleyway. The man had blonde ruffled hair, with a goatee, with sunglasses hanging from his shirt. He had a purple unbuttoned flannel on, with shorts and sandals. Oddly enough, his shorts were held up by straps, and in his hand was a pocket watch that he was using to keep track of the time.

"What can I do for you boys?" smiled the man smugly.

"Can ya spot me some?" asked Andrew in an accent.

"Spot what?" replied the man, "I've got blitzes, candies, diamonds, and kakera."

"Yeah, those are drugs," Andrew said as he pulled out his badge.

The man immediately went on a sprint down the alleyway. Laurence and Andrew chased after him.

"This guy runs fast!" yelled Andrew as he swerved and turned throughout the alleyway.

"He does drugs, I'm pretty sure they're all like that," commented Laurence.

"Why are we even chasing after this guy?" complained Andrew, "I want to go back to my detective business!"

"You're suspended from doing so for a week because you ended up beating the killer to unconsciousness. Control yourself, geez."

The man swerved past another turn in the alleyway. Just as Andrew turned as well, he fell to the floor.


"You alright, Andrew?" asked Laurence.

"Yeah, I just bumped into something," answered Andrew, scratching his head.

"Oi.." mumbled the large man in front of Andrew, with three other smaller men gathering from behind him, "Da hell's the big idea? You not watching where you going?"

"Apologies, gentlemen," said Andrew as he slowly stood up, "Didn't see you there."

"Hey Brody," said one of the men from the back, "Ain't those the guys who arrested Mikey yesterday?"

"Yo, you kinda right," mumbled the big man, "Das why they both look familiar. C'mon let's jump 'em."

"Shit!" thought Andrew as he placed his hand near his taser, "I don't think I'll have enough time to tase all of them.. and I doubt Laurence would be able to take them all on himself."

Just as the men surrounded Andrew and Laurence, Andrew pulled out his taser to shoot at least one of them. However, his taser was knocked out of his hands right away, disarming him.

"Yeah.. we ain't falling for whatever ya did to Mikey now," chuckled one of the men.

Just as they were about to attack, the drug dealer appeared from the air, kicking two men in their faces with his sandals. They were instantly knocked down, the two other thugs backing away out of confusion.

"You're a lost cause, aren't ya?" smiled the drug dealer smugly, as he stood up to defend them.

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