Log 11: Gravity

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"The robot went up this ladder?" asked Maurice to CC-M391, noticing that the ladder reached up to a rooftop.

CC-M391 barked, wagging his tail in finding the sniper. Maurice carried CC-M391 up the ladder as Andrew trickled behind hesitantly.

"I seriously can't believe that we're leaving behind Marie just so that you could teach me a lesson," complained Andrew as he climbed up the ladder.

"You can't just rely on your taser or gun," replied Maurice, "You've got to have at least some fight in you when you're disarmed. You don't want to end up being that one thug in video games that are only weak minions the main character is supposed to defeat."

"Except that I'm already decent enough at fighting," said Andrew as he arrived at the rooftop, "I've taken karate when I was a kid. I can very well take care of myself!"

"Not enough. You almost died with your fight with Gordon. You've got to at least know about how to use gravity to your advantage!"

"I don't need to know about some random superpower or technique about gravity."

"Hey! This isn't some random superpower manga! Gravity isn't even a superpower, much less a useful technique. It's just a way to give weaker people a better advantage. The bigger they are, the harder they fall is what they say in those western movies. That's exactly what I aim to do with teaching you about gravity!"

Maurice, Andrew, and CC-M391 turned the corner of the rooftop to find the final sniper bot hanging by the guard rails. It looked down on the drop below before looking back at the trio, ready to fight. There was no escape.

"We've got to act quick," whispered Maurice, "A shot from that robot would knock us out instantly."

In the middle of explaining however, the robot had already taken the shot! The vial zoomed through the sky, close to shooting at Andrew. Andrew couldn't even react fast enough to dodge it.


CC-M391 jumped in the air and snatched the vial out of the sky. He crushed it in pieces with his strong jaw, barking at Andrew and Maurice.

"You were lucky," smiled Maurice smugly, "It's a good thing dogs are so quick and agile. Come on, Andrew. Let's take him down before he reloads!"

Andrew and Maurice rushed at the robot, running towards it before the robot could reload. Upon reloading, the robot aimed to shoot, but Maurice stomped his foot on the ground and swung his arm upwards in an uppercut fashion, knocking the robot's gun out of trajectory.

"Quick, Andrew!" yelled Maurice, "Stomp your foot hard on the ground and punch the robot!"

Andrew stomped his foot on the ground and punched the robot, hurting his knuckles in the process and barely making the robot move. He yelled in pain as he stepped back, the robot out of stun and knocking both Maurice and Andrew back with a single leg sweep.

"God Andrew, are you stupid!?" yelled Maurice, getting up quickly from the ground, "Robots are statistically more stronger than people, so you have to use all your might! All you did was stomp your foot!"

"You told me to stomp my foot!" yelled back Andrew, getting up slowly, "What the hell!?"

"Stomp your foot harder! Make it the center of gravity and swing your fist so that you gain more momentum!"

"What do you mean by 'stomping my foot harder?' What kind of advice is that?"

"Just stomp your fucking foot on the ground!"

In the midst of Andrew and Maurice's bickering, CC-M391 jumped up and bit on the robot's gun arm. The robot waved CC-M391 off, trying to shake the dog away. However, CC-M391's jaw grip was so tight that it wouldn't let go!

"Tsk," scoffed Maurice, "This dog keeps saving our asses. It's more useful than you at the moment."

"Hey!" yelled Andrew in offense.

"C'mon Andrew. We won't get another opportunity like this! Rush in, and punch that robot! Make him fall over! Make yourself of use and stop relying on weapons and robots!"

"Easier said than done!" scoffed Andrew as he ran towards the robot.

Force. Gravity. Momentum. This was what Andrew needed to ensure that the robot would fall over. He was already running towards the robot, meaning that he was gaining force. As soon as he got close, he stomped his foot onto the ground. The stomp was forceful, and Andrew felt that his center of gravity was revolving around his foot to keep him steady.

However, there was another force of gravity that he felt in his body: His own fist. His fist was almost behind him, slowly swinging towards the robot, gaining more force and momentum from the speed of his punch. It wasn't just his own personal strength that was helping him, but the force of his arm. His momentum.

His gravity!


Andrew's fist hurt like hell! More than it did of his previous punches. However, the robot began to topple over, falling from where it stood! The robot began to tip over the guard rail and fall off, CC-M391 letting go of their grip. Maurice quickly grabbed CC-M391, preventing him from suffering the same fate as the robot sniper, who fell to the ground from the high rooftop, crashing into multiple bits and pieces.

"That was a close one," said Maurice, petting CC-M391 as he laid him on the floor, "That was a good punch, Andy!"

However, Andrew wasn't paying attention to the robot. He looked at the broken vial on the ground that CC-M391 broke earlier trying to protect them.

"These robots were trying to kill or kidnap us.." mumbled Andrew as he picked up the vials with his gloved hands, "We need to find out who sent these robots. I'm sure that someone has to be behind this. Someone that's preventing us from knowing the truth about the whereabouts of the Zonialation Diamonds!"

"You got it, Andy," smiled Maurice smugly as he put a cigarette to his mouth, lighting it with his lighter, "Let's get a professional to help us, and possibly keep quiet about it."

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