Log 6: Stop Touching My Junk

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"Isn't this a breach of something?" asked Maurice, looking back as Andrew and Laurence followed him.

"Just a casual outing," smiled Andrew, "After all, all you're doing is telling us where you met the guy who sold you those diamonds."

"We have important matters to attend to," stated Marie, who was right in between Maurice and Andrew, preventing Andrew from getting closer.

"Relax, it'll just take a little of his time," shrugged off Andrew, "Nothing too busy."

"Mr. Bennett doesn't have anything to do but laze around in his room all day anyways," scoffed Laurence.

"Cut me some slack," mumbled Maurice, "Ever since I was arrested by you guys, I've been on watch by cops hiding all around me like I'm not noticing them. I can't do what I usually do to make a living."

"That's because it's illegal what you're doing, duh," said Andrew, "Might take a couple beatings just to recognize that."

"Lay a hand on Master Bennett and you will surely regret it," glared Marie at the two.

"What are the chances you think he's already put a Bit in her coin slot to protect him?" whispered Andrew, his hand covering his mouth.

"High chance," replied Laurence, "He could probably make a run for it now if he wanted to. I have no idea why he's going along with this."

As the group walked through the junkyard, Andrew noticed the little scrap parts just laying around. The pollution has remained a constant problem ever since the nuclear fallout occurred. There were debris everywhere, and people suggested that they just pile them up in separate places known as junkyards. There, they would eventually burn the materials or dispose of them with an "environmentally friendly" method, but there were no opportunities to do so.

More like, they were lazy to even go along with the procedures.

Scramble, scramble!

Marie quickly turned her arm towards the noise, making a fist with her hand. She was ready to attack anything that would bring harm to her owner.

"Laurence, this maid is kinda scary," mumbled Andrew, subtly putting distance away from him and the robot.

"We've yet to see what ability she even has," said Laurence, "Considering that she's a Generation 1 robot, I doubt that she's dangerous. Best she can do is transform into a dishwasher."

"Activate missiles," announced Marie, eyes glowing red.

Andrew and Laurence stared with blank faces, "What?"

Her arm began to transform into a cannon, with three missiles coming out of it and firing at a pile of scraps. The materials flew apart as bulbs of flames began to explode.


A figure moved away from the pile, escaping the missiles. It was quick, almost like a cheetah. Around this time, Marie was already recalculating her next attack. She pointed her arm again to where the figure hid.

However, this time the figure attacked Marie, biting at her arm.

After closer inspection, Andrew noticed that the figure was humanoid. It wore raggy clothes, and despite being made of mostly flesh, had mechanical jaws and legs. Not only that, but it had ears and a snout, much like a dog.

Marie waved her arm around, trying to shake off the creature. The robot's jaw held on tight, with a grip strength that could rival a gorilla. That's when Laurence stepped in to separate both Marie and the robot.

As the two were separated, the robot growled at the maid, standing on all four legs. Andrew had a better look at what was inscribed on the dog's shoulders.

"CC M-391"

"I wouldn't say it's hostile considering that you tried blowing it up first," noted Andrew, "It's just defensive. Judging by its physical characteristics, this robot is Generation 3. What's it doing out here?"

"Looks like one of those service robots," mumbled Maurice, walking up to it, trying to pat it, "These robots used to be service dogs, but were quickly recalled because they wanted to be used for war. However, the peace treaty remained and prevented the dogs from being recruited, despite already being repurposed. Their uselessness got them wiped. This must be a survivor."

CC M-391 quickly backed away from Maurice, barking at him.

"Looks like it's still clingy to it's previous owner, wherever he is," said Maurice, standing up and walking away, "Come on. I said I'd lead you to the guy I bought the goods from."

As the group followed Maurice, the robot dog followed them from behind. Andrew looked back and stopped in his tracks, trying to see if he could let the dog.



Andrew followed Maurice once again. The robot dog followed as well. Andrew decided to try a second time to get along with the robot dog.


Still nope.

"What's this dog's deal?" asked Andrew as he continued to follow Maurice, "He keeps following us but there's no sign of him actually wanting to be friends with us."

"Robots are designed to follow the protocol that they were given when they were created," explained Marie, "For example, I have free will limited by my master's words. You also have to take in account the Bit system, which could sometimes override said protocol. For this dog, I'm sure that the protocol given to him is to find a new owner, but his memory is preventing him from doing so.

I'm assuming he's too attached to his previous owner."

"Robots have feelings?" asked Andrew.

"No," stated Marie, "Robots do not have feelings. It's one of the sub-laws of robots after: Robots cannot kill."

Andrew thought hard about this and shrugged it off as soon as they got to an old man sitting by a barrel.

"Harvey, you got any more diamonds?" asked Maurice, "I got an excess number of patrons who'd pay good money for more."

"Sorry, Maurice," shrugged Harvey, "I'm all out of diamonds. The miners said that the depths have all been cleared. Not to mention, some clients of mine came by to pick up the whole stock! I'm sold out!"

"What?" asked Andrew in confusion.

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