Log 23: Toxic

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The robot shot out purple goops at the group, slinging them into the sky. Ichishojo immediately shoved her fists in the air, letting out a huge amount of air that blasted the goops away.

"Woah.. what kind of ability..?" asked Andrew, interested in the mechanisms of Ichishojo.

"Ichishojo is a Generation 0 robot," explained Jameson, "The first robot to be made. It has the ability to exert some form of pressure from her fists and legs, allowing her to move things like ground, or air. Normally, she would just control and override that robot and make it stop attacking, but that robot is a Generation 2. Generation 2 robots are built differently than other generations."

"Generation 2?" asked Laurence, "I thought it was still in testing; never to be released in public."

"Only a few officials like O'Malley have them," said Jameson, "And this robot we're fighting is all too familiar. His name is Ben A. Drill, a robot that's been fueled by toxins in vials contained inside its body. Simply put, that robot has the ability to turn anything it touches into poison. That goop he's been slinging used to be bullets back when it was first processed to have a machine gun of sorts. Now it's been reduced to something even more deadlier."

Ben shot out more toxic goop, which seemed to be more than Ichishojo could handle with just air pressure. She stomped her foot on the ground, the pressure surrounding the floor, causing it to rise and create a wall. The goop splattered on the wall, melting it in the process.

"If that's the case, then why hasn't it melted by its own goop?" asked Andrew as Ichishojo continued to defend the group.

"There's a glaring weakness to the toxin that was implemented into Ben A. Drill's body," explained Jameson, "And that would be aluminum. As of now, Ben A. Drill's body should be entirely made out of aluminum, despite its rustic appearance."

"I thought aluminum couldn't rust," commented Laurence.

"This was special aluminum created in order to make Ben A. Drill more stronger in terms of defense. However, he's a glass cannon at this point."

"Alright," said Andrew, finished on thinking up of a battle plan, "Let's use this."

Multiple walls from the ground were created by Ichishojo in a hurry. They needed to escape quick. If they couldn't, they would face the deadly toxin that was coming after them. However, Ben melted the walls fairly quickly with his poison. It began to spread through the other walls until a complete hole was made. There, Ben found the group still strategizing on the plan they could use, arguing over the specifications.

Ben lunged at the group in a sneak attack, aiming to turn all of them into poison. However, to his surprise, he phased right through them. That's when Ben realized:

It was all a Replay.

From there, Ichishojo jumped from the roof, collecting the heat from the hot sunny day and using it to land her leg onto Ben's head. She continued this constant kicking, making sure not to touch the deadly toxins that Ben had emitted.

That's when Ichishojo noticed that her leg was slowly turning into poison, despite her attempts at trying not to. She finally used pressure to blast her own leg off of her body, before blowing up the leg from the combustion of the heat pressure. With that taking place, Ben had melted from the heat, and soon his own poison began to melt whatever was left, creating a gaping hole in the ground.

"I'm sorry, but you can't just refute the evidence!" said Jameson.

Andrew was mumbling to himself, shaking his head because he couldn't believe it. A robot had tried to kill them. It was breaking the rules out of everything that he knew.

"This is why we need to head to O'Malley now," stated Jameson, "I need your help. Not only can we stop these robots from killing humans, but maybe we can even find ways to stop them from doing such a thing. I'm always up for human advancement, however I do not like the risks it may take for humans. I don't want any sacrifices."

"He's taking a moment," commented Laurence.

"I'm sorry," said Jameson, "It's just.. if we don't act now, O'Malley will find ways to cover this up. He always gets his way because of how favored he is in the government. If we show him and the board about what has happened to you all, we could stand a chance."

"Fine.." finally stated Andrew, "I get it. It seems that new information has been given to me, but it won't change something I've been wanting since the beginning of all of this: To put the person responsible behind bars. I'm calling my friends.

We're going to storm O'Malley's office."

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