Log 9: I Want to Go Home

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Suggested to play the background music as you read.

Mori turned on the radio to another channel, displaying a different set of jazz music which would help with the bar fight tone. Maurice and Marie stayed back, drinking their drinks as Andrew's life was potentially in danger.

Gordon lunged at Andrew, who had instinctively put his arms up to guard himself. However, Laurence jumped in between Gordon and Andrew to defend Andrew.


Laurence was smacked to the ground, causing a small dent in his head. Andrew saw this and was filled with fear from the rage of Gordon, who started swinging at Andrew once again. Andrew ducked and ducked, dodging the swings from the cane that Gordon held, and even using a table seat to defend himself.

But even then, Gordon broke it in half with just his cane.

"Just how strong is this guy?" thought Andrew as he panicked to get away, "I want to go home! I don't feel safe! Why does this guy get so mad?"

Suddenly, Andrew was smacked by the handle of the cane that Gordon held, sending him crashing into one of the tables, drinks spilling on top of him. Andrew coughed up blood.

"What the hell?" thought Andrew to himself, as he slowly stood up and checked if he was alright, "I'm coughing up blood! Am I internally bleeding? How do characters in anime live and fight like this? I gotta get out!"

"By the way, Andrew!" yelled Maurice from the other side of the bar, "Try leading Gordon to Mori if he's in a frenzy like this! It's how he usually calms down!"

"Couldn't have told me that sooner?" yelled Andrew, trying to escape Gordon's rage.

That's when Laurence grabbed Gordon from behind, holding him up and restraining him from attacking any further. As Andrew got closer to possibly hold Gordon down, Gordon began to tap dance on Andrew's face, kicking him away. Gordon then got out of Laurence's grasp and smacked Laurence repeatedly with the cane, causing a few dents out of anger.

Andrew came up and tried to stop Gordon, but was met with a cane to the face, once again causing Andrew to spit out blood from his face. Gordon was now focused on Andrew, who kept running from Gordon, throwing tables down to possibly block Gordon's path and separating them. However, that didn't do much as Gordon jumped from the tables to lunge at Andrew with rage.

Desperately running for his life, Andrew jumped from over the counter, hiding behind it as Gordon approached closer and closer. Gordon jumped on the counter, ready to gouge Andrew's eyeballs out.

That's when Mori stepped in and touched Gordon's finger. At the moment he did, blood splattered across the counter and walls, dirtying Maurice, Marie, Andrew, and Mori. They were soaked in crimson jam, which oozed down their clothes. Organs and little pieces of bones were scattered across the floor, some still pumping.

Andrew stared at the bloodshed, and at Mori.

"What the fuck!?" he yelled in shock and confusion, possibly getting PTSD from this experience.

"I am Mori."

"Oi.. Maurice," said Andrew as he mopped the floors behind the counter, "You didn't tell me that Mori was gonna kill that guy! Shouldn't Mori be arrested for manslaughter? And how am I supposed to interrogate Gordon now?"

"You're a lost cause, aren't ya," smiled Maurice as he sipped his drink, "Patience is a virtue, Andrew. You've got a lot to learn before finding things out."

Suddenly, Gordon came out of the men's restroom. He was sparkly clean, and looked just as he did about an hour ago. Laurence and Andrew were shocked.

"Hey!" yelled Andrew, "What gives? Didn't you die?"

Gordon merely gave a confused look, "Can I help you officers?"

"Yeah, sir tight," said Laurence coldly, "We'll be interrogating you soon."

"Hey Mori," glared Andrew as he peered over the counter, "What did you do?"

"I help eliminate threats," answered Mori in a blank expression with a monotone voice, "Gordon was a threat so I eliminated him. When I make people explode, they are recreated from inside the bathroom. The only difference is that they become the people that they were an hour ago, losing memories as well as not remembering what my ability is."

"What a weird robotic ability.." mumbled Andrew before realizing, "Hey! So you are a robot!"

"I am Mori."

Andrew had enough of this and looked behind Mori's neck. There was no coin slot. Mori was not a robot?

"Gahhh!" yelled Andrew in frustration, throwing the mop on the floor, "This bar is driving me insane!"

"It took a while to make him talk, and get him out of that 1900s attitude of his," said Laurence as he fiddled with the notes he took, "But we got some information about who could've taken those Zonialation Diamonds. There's always these two men in suits, similar to the ones that visited Maurice's place, who come by this bar to discuss about matters. However, when they want to discuss the nitty gritty stuff, they come out back."

"Any way to track these guys down?" asked Andrew.

"We've already got them," said Laurence, pointing at the coin slot behind his neck.

As Andrew placed the Bit into Laurence's slot, Laurence began to make the Replay. The Replay showed the men already participating in discussions! However, since this was a Replay, the men's discussion was hidden. It was during the time that Gordon attacked Andrew that the men decided to go out the back door! The men were here all along!

"C'mon!" yelled Andrew, pointing at the back door, "We've got to take them down and stop them before it's too late!"

Maurice paid for his tab, "Thank you for your services, Mori."

"Until next time," said Mori with a blank expression.

Maurice and Marie followed Laurence and Andrew towards the back door of the Kakegurui Bar, which was a dark alleyway with barely any light. They had to be careful of anything shifty crawling around down here.

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