Log 19: Critical

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"At the moment, I've deduced that there are three personalities to Beep Boop," noted Laurence, as Marie and Dante began to attack Beep Boop, "A dumb but social side, a shy but calculating side, and a hidden dark side. At the moment, it seems like we're seeing the social side to him."

"Where do you even get those pizza slices from?" asked Marie in confusion as she tried to shoot the dodging Beep Boop.

Beep Boop swerved through the missiles that Marie launched from her fingers, bobbing and weaving as he carefully noted where the projectiles would land. He then shot his own bullets at Marie, but they were far from hitting her. He really was at a dumb personality! Laurence analyzed this and adjusted his findings that Beep Boop would be most vulnerable when he's in this state, considering how much it's affected the battle.

"It's great for the body," smiled Beep Boop enthusiastically, as if he was enjoying the fight.


"There!" yelled Laurence, "Whenever his personality changes, his eyes go into a mini frenzy, turning into all sorts of colors! Marie! I don't know what he's planning, but watch out!"

Marie instinctively put a shield in front of her using her forearms, wrapping around them like the defensive robot that she is, waiting for any attack that Beep Boop might shoot at her.

"I-I'm sorry for doing this.." mumbled Beep Boop nervously.


"Oi!" yelled Maurice, "Maria!!"

Marie was shot from the back by the bullets that passed by; the ones Beep Boop had shot earlier. Laurence was in shock of what just happened. Despite having a dumb personality, it's as if the personalities are working together in synergy to catch their opponent off-guard! This was a truly terrifying and unpredictable robot. Was this the power of O'Malley?

"Hey, you dumbass!" yelled Andrew, following Maurice, "Don't run in just like that!"

Dante barked and jumped at Beep Boop with great speeds, biting his arm as Beep Boop shook it around. Maurice checked over Marie, seeing the damages. These bullets were no joke! They've not just made dents, but some holes as well.

"A-ah!" cried Beep Boop in panic, "Please, get it off! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Dante growled as he stared into Beep Boop's eyes, who had almost fainted just from the glare.


"Don't worry about it," smiled Beep Boop suddenly, "Just shoot it off!"

Beep Boop used his other arm and aimed at Dante with his finger.


Dante had quickly let go of the arm as Beep Boop accidentally shot multiple bullets into his own arm! He yelled in pain, clutching his arm as some of his parts fell from his body.

"Thanks Dante," said Maurice seriously as he got into the battle, "But now it's my turn. Hey, blueberry, your fight is with me."

Maurice stomped on the ground and delivered a strong blow to the chest of Beep Boop with gravity, causing a slight dent into the robot. He then delivered a right hook to the robot's head before ending it with a strong kick to the sides. However, even with these powerful punches, Beep Boop had stood his ground after the kick. He then showed his arm's holes to Maurice.

"Surprise," smiled Beep Boop as the holes began to glow.


Andrew had quickly swept Maurice's leg with his hand, cuffing the arms of Beep Boop with the other.

"I told you not to rush in to something dangerous, idiot!" yelled Andrew.

"Don't tell me what to do, idiot!" yelled Maurice as he fell to the ground.

Beep Boop instinctively used his arms and pointed them at Andrew, powering up another bullet. However, Maurice jumped up from the ground, springing his legs forward to kick Beep Boop in the chin before delivering yet another strong blow to the stomach.

"A punch that defies gravity," mumbled Maurice in anger, "I told you that your fight was with me!"

Beep Boop was launched backwards by the strong blow, causing him to fall off a bit. He shook his head in confusion, unaware of how a human could possibly deal that much injury to him. Andrew noticed Maurice's hand: His knuckles were bleeding.

Despite the punches being so powerful, they were still normal punches. It was only the force of gravity that made it seem stronger. Andrew needed to find a way to get Marie back in action to finish off Beep Boop. He quickly stood up and started running for Marie's body, which was being guarded by Dante.

That's when Laurence noticed that there were still two robot figures by the sidelines! Were they just as powerful as Beep Boop too?

"You were pretty damn stupid blasting off your arm with a barrage of bullets like that to hurt your enemy off-guard," smiled Maurice smugly as he lifted up his bloody knuckles, "But it's going to cost ya."

"Is that so?" asked Beep Boop as he turned to his other robot figures, "How would you rate my plan?"

"10/10, my good sir," said one robot.

"Quite phenomenal, if I say so myself," said the other.

"They're not dangerous robot henchmen!" yelled Laurence in anger, "You're just moral support!"

"Either way," smiled Beep Boop as his eyes began to glare, changing colors, "I plan on finishing this right now. I have no time to spare."

His arm suddenly got thinner as parts began to fall off it. His other arm began to do the same too. He now had skinnier limbs.

"Critical," whispered Beep Boop as he pointed at the sky.

"Marie!" asked Andrew as he got to her body, "Are you alri—"


Andrew fell face forwards, a small hole through his back.

"Andrew!" yelled Laurence in shock, Dante barking by Marie.

"I didn't even hear the sound of the finger going off!" thought Maurice in panic.

Beep Boop glared at the group, "Are you ready for the power of Critical?"

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