Log 21: Recovery

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"Why did you save us?" asked Jules as Arya began to tweaked on Marie's hardware, "Weren't they your clients?"

"No client of mine disrespects the materials I've worked hard to slave over," responded Baxter.

"Now do you see the dangers?" asked Andrew to Maurice, twitching as Laurence tried to remove the bullet from his back, "You can't solve everything just by trying to punch things. There are weapons manufactured that do extremely more damage and do physically better than what you're trying to do. Weapons are needed when it comes to these kinds of things."

"Are you stupid or something?" asked Maurice, scratching the back of his nape as he lit a cigarette, "Of course merely punching isn't a way to solve all battles. It's only used for if you don't have a weapon on you at that time. It's a last resort kind of technique. If you have a weapon use it, but once that weapon's gone, you're only going to have to rely on fists."

"At least we know now that O'Malley is the one pulling the strings," piped up Laurence, breaking the conversation, "We'll just have to go and interrogate him ourselves. However, with this fight that's happened, we'll need to take a little rest. We'll interrogate him tomorrow. And be prepared: We won't know if he'll have more powerful robots than just Beep Boop by his side."

"We'll be ready then," said Andrew, "All of us."

"I deeply apologize once again, O'Malley," mumbled Beep Boop, "They really left me with no choice. They're a powerful group of individuals."

"So.." said O'Malley, a cigar in his mouth, "Andrew Hawkin and Maurice Bennett are one of the leading members of this group trying to find out about my plans."

Beep Boop looked at Nishojo, who playfully sat by the desk in front of O'Malley, "Those Zonialation Diamonds.. you're really using them to fuel the freedom of these robots?"

"If we can get these robots to kill," smiled O'Malley, "We'd have all the power in the world as a country of innovation. Anyways, we own the police stations right? Give Hawkin a demotion— No. Just fire him. Give some bullshit reason like he's been neglecting his duties or some shit."

"I'll gladly tell the police station," answered Beep Boop again, "Do you want me to assassinate them while I do so?"

"No.. I don't believe that'll be necessary. I'll be sending in a personal robot that's been developing for years now. Give it a test run and see how well it could take down Hawkin and whoever he's grouped up with. I'm sure the firepower of that robot can melt anything. You have a safe trip now, Beep Boop."

As soon as O'Malley gave the order and placed a Bit inside Beep Boop's coin hole, Beep Boop opened the window and jumped out, fulfilling the duty he needed to make. Just by the office door was Jameson, panting heavily over what he had just heard.

"D-did you hear that?" mumbled Jameson, "That was evidence! That was clear evidence! O'Malley is trying to get the robots to kill! And with those Zonialation Diamonds to grant freedom.. he has no idea what he'll start! We've got to confront him now!"

"Wait Arev!" whispered Ichishojo, pulling him away from the door, "We can't confront him now! Who knows what kind of backup he has in that office of his? He'll take us down, and frame us or something. I know we can't let this opportunity pass, but we could be putting ourselves in danger here. Although I'm a robot, I doubt I could take on whatever O'Malley is planning."

"You're right.." whispered Jameson back, putting his hands up to his face, "Yet again! I've been stopped by my uselessness! I can't believe this.."

However, that's when Jameson noticed he could do something about it! He lit up as he began to tell Ichishojo.

"That Hawkin guy from the police station," he whispered, "He was the one you mentioned a few days ago. Our meeting with him has been postponed for a while now, but it's necessary that we go to him at once! He holds the key and quite possibly the power to confront O'Malley, and we could possibly stop this!"

"I'm backing you up, Arev," whispered Ichishojo, following Jameson as he stood up.

"We've got to get to him before this robot of O'Malley's does first. He holds valuable information that we can use. Everything I do is for this city. It may seem obtuse since I'm refuting the advancement of robots, but it's only necessary for survival. It's only theoretical, but this is the clear definition of being safe than sorry. We can't afford to have a loss of human lives, especially with the war that has been going on!"

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