Log 16: Hot and Cold

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The customers within the cafe stared in shock. The gun that was pointed against Andrew was dropped onto the floor, sliding across the cafe. The customers ran out in panic as the robots went into defensive measures to target the threats. There were three threats:

Ivan Carlos, Melissa McGarth, and another robot with his hand pointing at the interrogators.

"I don't plan on allowing the death of a person in this establishment," smiled the blue haired robot, in white joggers and a hoodie, "This cafe isn't for fighting anyways, so why don't you back out?"

"Beep Boop," whispered one of the cat maids, "I know that you're watching over this section of the town, but please don't cause any damage to it. I'd feel bad if anything would happen because of us."

"D-don't feel bad," mumbled Beep Boop shyly, "I've already got a plan for these guys..."

"I don't know how he did it," whispered Ivan, to Melissa, "But my gun was shot out of my hands."

"Quickly, grab him!" yelled Melissa, knocking the unsuspecting Andrew's head, causing him to fall unconscious.

The two ran out of the cafe, holding the body. Just as Maurice and the others were about to catch up to them, Beep Boop stopped them in their tracks.

"P-please," he said shyly, "Let me handle this situation."

Beep Boop ran out of the cafe as well, but despite his warnings, Maurice, Dante, Laurence, and Marie followed.

"Did you not hide your gun correctly?" asked Melissa.

"I did my best!" argued Ivan.

"Well, your best got us caught by a robot!" yelled Melissa, "We were just supposed to kill Andrew then bolt it for top spot in the station!"

"I doubt that your best would get you very far in life," said a figure standing up from the edge of the rooftop above them.

"Who the hell?" yelled Melissa, pointing her gun at the figure.

"Didn't you hear from before?" said the figure, pointing his finger at her, "My name is Beep Boop. I don't like unnecessary conflict, especially within the district I'm protecting."


"Melissa!" Ivan yelled, dropping the unconscious body of Andrew, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine.. it's just," mumbled Melissa, inspecting her pistol, "My gun exploded.."

"This guy is definitely a robot alright," said Ivan, dragging Melissa from behind a wall, hiding from Beep Boop, "But what kind of ability does he have? All he did was point a finger at us! How did he disarm me and make Melissa's gun explode?"


Ivan inspected his chest. He felt his chest, which gave him pain. Why was he feeling pain? As he let go of his chest, he viewed his hand, which was covered in crimson jam; his own blood. Ivan immediately fell to the ground.

Melissa got up and inspected Ivan's wounds. It was a fatal shot to the heart. Ivan was dead.

"Hey!" yelled Melissa, "What do you think you're doing?"

Suddenly, Beep Boop was right beside Melissa, "What do you think you're doing? Disrupting the peace within my district?"

Beep Boop placed his finger right up to Melissa's neck. Melissa began to sweat.

"I don't know what kind of job you have to do here, but if it's something that interrupts my goals, then I don't need to hear it," whispered Beep Boop, "I wouldn't have to worry about that anymore, wouldn't I? By reducing the amount of causes to an effect, I can accomplish the effect that I desire the most.

And by doing this, I will get the effect I want the most. This is the effect that I have foretold."


Melissa's head exploded onto the dead corpse of Ivan, splattered in the alleyway grounds.

"This is my ability, an ability gifted to me from my manufacturer," explained Beep Boop, holding his finger up in the air, "The hidden sniper, a bullet that shoots from my index finger that targets any thing I want."

Soon, Maurice, Dante, Laurence, and Marie arrived at the scene. They found the dead body of Ivan and what they assumed to be the headless corpse of Melissa. Next to them was the untouched unconscious body of Andrew, sleeping soundly.

"Come on," mumbled Maurice, looking away from the dead corpses, "We've got to get out of here before we get in trouble with officials, or if Andrew wakes up."

"I'm going to have to agree with you Maurice," stated Laurence calmly, "If Andrew were to wake up, we'd be on another case off-duty. This was a personal attack against us, and although we need to find their methods, we have better to things to focus on. More serious things."

"And we came to this cafe to take a load off," commented Marie, "It seems like trouble follows us everywhere. If we're going to be in trouble, we're going to have to go to Arya and continue our search."

Dante barked in agreement. Maurice carried Andrew and went to the direction of Arya's lab, where they would try to find out where the vials had come from.

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