♡Happy New Year♡

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On this new year's eve
I was never once this hopefull
Never cared for next year resolutions
Or even thought about myself

But just this once
I wish that I would have
Less pain in my heart
Less scars on my arms
Less tears on my pillow
Less thoughts on my mind
Less suicidal attempts

Just this once
I wish that I would have
More love that I deserve
More happiness that I seek
More self care routine
More positivity in my life
More fun that I can feel

Just this once
Let me be
Less alone in my own room
Less cold than the winter's night
Less bothered by my failures & insecurities
Less things that I left unsaid
Less horrific nightmares everytime

Just this once
Let me be
More accustomed to my life
More confident about my career
More careful about people around me
More capable of saying
"I am fine"
Instead of
"I'll be fine"

I have seen worse
Been through hard times
I am tired of being treated like shit
I am done being nice to everyone
I just want to find my peace song
I hope to find all these
Even if I have to find them in the dark
I'll search
And I'll be

To everyone on wattpad who read this book for the past year
You guys kept me sane
Your kindness
Your encouragement
I can't ever forget that

And like the world's 7 kindest people said
"Life Goes On"
With every winter come the spring

I hope to find that spring in my life as well
And be proud not to just say
"I love myself"
But also feel it

I wish you all a Very Happy and Hopeful New Year ♡

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