Story of a Mermaid

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This is a work of fiction and the plot is from my imagination
Any relation to reality is just coincidence
Dedicated to people who feel suicidal and depressed :)
There are people out there crying out for a new day every night.
Be grateful that you get to see a beautiful start every morning.
Everything is possible as long as you are alive.

In the old, mesmerizing and wide ocean, once there lived a ravishing mermaid.

Riding the vast open currents and roaming under deep water, resting on the ocean bed. She lived silently in her own world.

Everyday she went up the surface to explore the sky, and at night she encoutered new lives under the cold relaxing water.

One day, something unexpected and magical happened.

Like it wasn't magical enough before,
She met a huge "Creature". She heard stories about it from the fishes and plants. But to encounter it herself was on a whole different level.

It was known as "The creature of the ocean." It was truly as big as a whale and beautiful glowy scales that went down it's tail, it's fins were glittery and swayed softly in the water.

It asked her to show the most beautiful part of the world.
She was confused at first but then asked it to follow her,
And they went up towards the surface.

When they looked up,
It was the sky full of stars, cloudless, endless and left her always breathless. It was the promise of life in the darkness, a sense of warmth springing from the cold.

The creature smiled and motioned her to follow deep down again.
When they reached the bed, the creature rested it's tail and spoke in a soothing voice yet again.

The creature told me a story;
That there was once a village in the far shore of the ocean.

A village of humans,
It was a unique village as the wind never stopped blowing there
And was always covered with a strange mist.

But that mist helped them in various things,
They could ride the wind and move freely, they could hide in it and it saved them from wild animals.

But then one day, a baby girl was born
whose voice could make the wind stop and the mist vanish.

The elders were worried so they suggested to quietly throw the child into the ocean. Yes... Harsh is the human nature. But it was the nature of all surviving species.

However, the mother was against it.
The village was so savage that once, they had killed someone's mother and forced the child to eat her flesh so that they would be cursed forever and won't ever go against the elders.

A terrifying act of supremacy and power they showed to the weak.

Knowing that the village can do anything for it's own gain, the mother gave up and the child was thrown into the ocean.

When the creature ended the story he turned towards the mermaid.
Everything shifted to a whole new dimension.

The scenery of the stars and night changed to a messed up misty field and bloody water surrounded them, the smell was enough to make someone lose consciousness, the creature smiled in a creepy way but the mermaid fixed her eyes on it.

The creature asked the mermaid, "Do you still find beauty in this world?"

So the moment she spoke, the mist cleared out, she said "Yes,  it is the world itself that I love not the creatures which inhabit it."

She's the same child the village threw in the ocean and the ocean made her one of its own.

The scene went back to normal and the creature smiling went inside the ocean again and vanished into deep waters.

The mermaid upon gazing the stars, smiled and took a breath, then went down into the ocean again.

-----------------------The End-----------------------
When you are alive, you can look forward to so many things, little things, big things, good things, bad things. But when you die.. There is nothing but stillness..... 🥀

I saw this dream a few weeks ago and can't help but think a lot about it.

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