My dialogues for a stage play

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These are some dialogues I came up with while writing a stage-play

The play is still incomplete and i don't think I'll publish it but
Here they are


No more to surprise
I have seen great Kings fallen
Due to this treacherous thing called greed!

Fall prey to it
And you will lose your own self,
For it knows no bounds.

Lousy, pitiful tyrants?
No sire,
The ones who repent for their evil deeds are more than worthy of mercy and forgiveness.
They are worthy!
They are worthy!

It is as it has always been said,
Don’t keep your grief hidden. Put your sorrow into words.
For all the grief you keep inside of you, will whisper in your heart until it breaks it.

Irony! Oh! The irony My Lord,
Even though I have feasted my eyes on such devastating loss for my enemies.
Tis my heart! My very darkened heart that desires more.

Haunting is even stranger than the murder.
The spirits shall seek revenge
No matter what the guilty living do.

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