An endless effort

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To the people suffering from depression,
Who are still struggling to live a life
And who are brave to fight it everyday
You are beautiful, strong and amazing

When the day turns into night
When you turn on your bedroom light
Placing your body gently on the bed
Letting in the hollow existence
You look at the time

You know, that time when you are sitting alone
Spacing out
Looking at nothing in particular
Staring blankly
Feeling empty

And then, suddenly you just get hit with a wave
You burst into endless tears
Those warm tears streaming down your cheeks
They feel warmer than the words you hear

Not knowing why you are crying
Not knowing why you are in pain

You just crash inside and crumble...

Crying until your eyes are red and puffy
Crying until your chest hurt because of the pain

That's when you know, you have been strong for so long
You have been keeping it to yourself for so long
You managed to stay sane for so long

You hate it, you hate being weak
You hate yourself for it
You blame yourself for it

Why didn't I do better than that?
Why did I say something so stupid?
Why didn't I ask for help? So egoistic...

People don't understand
And they never will
You label your face
"I'm happy can't you see?"

The noises coming back from the abyss
Screeching, shouting, yelling and screaming
You shut your ears tightly
Waiting for them to hush away

Your own thoughts eating you from within
Your own lungs suffocating you from within

Wanting everything to just disappear
Turn to dust
Or just
Cease to exist

And then you cry until the ducts become dry
You wipe your tears, clear the vision
Blow you nose and wash up your messy face

Staring deeply at the weakest point of yourself

Sighing softly you close your tired eyes
Taking in the complete silence of loneliness

You smile sadly
Knowing it's not the end

You have to
You need to
Be strong again

You stand there yet again
Fixing your mask for another day

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