What happens in the body

60 14 16

"Hah! Look I'm hunting myself again!"
Shouted the brain while hysterically crying.

"Does brain have nothing else to do?"  the organs whispered to eachother.

Lungs said in an exhausting tone, "I mean... we all are so busy working and keeping the body alive and look at it, every single day it roams around aimlessly."

Brain is jumping and twirling around, catching itself.

Heart busted in beating, "Isn't being alive just terrifying?" it cried further,
"We all look so fine from the outside.
The body dances so freely, joyfully and nonchalantly, all because of brain's production of emotions."

The brain is sitting in a corner talking to itself.

"But when the circadian rhythm gets disturbed it becomes evident that brain doesn't function well. And it just... Becomes an idiot." heart shrugged while pumping another output of blood.

The stomach growled, "Such a deception into thinking we are living but
Being constantly on the verge of crashing down, repetition of crying and self blame... and keeps forgetting to fill me in!!"

Now the brain stood up and is excessively thinking about useless things.

Kidneys then stirred up a bit, "Tears rolling down a smiling face, it's not nice becoming deprived of water just because the tear glands are always filled of those secretions."

They collectively agreed.

"And why is it, when brain is suffering I am the one being depressed too?"
Heart questioned the lungs,

"Probably because I'm not able to exchange proper oxygen for you to be oxygenated." Lungs scoffed.

"Now now, shouldn't we all focus on our work and help the brain?"
The liver finally broke it's silence, "I don't want any more toxins in me, my filter won't hold up."

They all sighed and looked at brain, which was now finally at peace and was dreaming about how to catch itself next time.


Basically just my body complaining and my mind not listening xD
\( ̄▽ ̄;)/

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