A story never to be told

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Let me tell you a story
The one that has never been told before
Or maybe you've heard it somewhere.
It would be a coincidence because this one is only in my head.


It was the usual eve with my friends and we were playing outside in the playground.
Our houses were far away from that playground but nothing ever stopped us from having fun anyway.

It was only that we heard stories from our late grandparents about a witch that lives just across that place. But since we never encountered her in any way possible we didn't believe in them and shrugged it off.

There was a slight chill breeze in the air that eve and suddenly it started raining heavily. Not knowing where to go and hide we decided to search around for shelter.
To our surprise there was a small cabin nearby and made our first mistake.

Thunders getting loud and unbearable fear of lightning got the best of us. We ran towards that cabin and stayed under its leaking shades. Cold wind blowing towards the cabin and making it hard to dry our selves.

Only then we heard a tiny creak behind us. The door opened....
And came an elderly voice....
"Are you kids in need of some shelter? "
Horrified as we were, we couldn't process the whole situation clearly hence, we went inside.

It was dark, cold and drops of rain could be heard falling in distance. I remember the scent that made me almost dizzy and felt like my head was spinning in continuous motion. It made my body tremble.

And that's when I remembered the folklore of my grandparents
It was true and it happened... If only I told my friends which no longer exists in anyone's mind. I was the only survivor... As an observer...

Welcome dear children
To a house unknown

Where an old lady lives
And tell stories foretold

At a rainy night you might
Come across her sight

Beware her invitation
And not enter her house

For the kindness she shows
Isn't to be followed

And if you do enter
Remain in your senses

Beware of the fellow
You canot fall asleep

For she would tell you stories
You would not believe

If you listen to them
You've reached your doom

For now the darkness
Will fall upon you soon

And later do not go alone for
Whatever she asks you to do

You will not come back
For she will eat you too

And if you do realize
The horror that awaits

It is useless for now, you
Have fallen as her prey

Trick her to go out of room
And she will trick you again

The book she posses is
Nothing but an empty shell

If you glance at it
You cannot glance away

For she will be standing
Right behind you and say

"Now dear child, won't you stay?
The night has only begun, now let me play."

Smiling as you slowly pass away
The horrible night will soon fade

Along with the house and
No one to be found ever again

I vaguely remember this as a dream and the events that follows in detail so I wrote a poem for it because too much information is also bad.

I don't know if this was an actual story or something I made up as a kid...but I do remember the witch and the kids that were playing in the garden/playground. So I'm going to share what I remember... And if anyone of you knows something similar like this please let me know...


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