Story of a rose

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In the garden of thorns where my lifeless yet alive body resides, I have a fear of being left alone.
Yet no one ever enters this worn out garden. No one tries to open the cold, rusty gates. No one enters the pain staking thorn vines.

It was the outcome of my own actions, I let the flowers wither. I let the soil become barren. I let myself caged in these rough, bleak branches.

Remembering a time, when there was indeed greenery. An everlasting, evergreen breeze blew around my body and the light showers of rain fell, like eternity.

My hands gently caressing each rose as I walked aimlessly inside my garden. That soft, velvety sensation gave me a purpose of life. The care I gave to all these beauties could not be measured.

I would hear chimes of children, laughing and chuckling over that one sturdy wall, covered with fresh and green vines. Spiraling around each other and intertwining with the gold buds it started to produce.

"Do you like roses?" came an angelic voice. I was stunned, searching frantically for that voice.

Then my eyes fell on a beautiful figure standing in front of the gates, smiling as she gently held the bars. I hesitantly went forward to take a closer look.

She tilted her head softly and blinked a few times. I stood there in amazement, I could feel my heart beat faster. She was the first human to ever come across me face to face.

She backed away and asked, "Can I enter?" her small smile never fading she awaited an answer.

I nodded and opened the steel gates, making a high pitched sound as they were never opened before. I let the stranger inside.

I poured my love into her

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I poured my love into her

Day after day, she came inside, her hair swaying like rose petals would flutter in the wind. Echoes of laughter leaving a sweet sound every where and I was deeply in love with her jolly smile.

I wished for these days to continue on.  But my own expectations betrayed me and I was blind enough to let that happen. 

I waited and waited for her to come. Everyday I would stand by the gates with a longing gaze. Why wasn't she coming?
Was she bored of me? Does she hate me now? Did I do something wrong?

Thoughts like these started springing in my mind. I felt dejected.
Slowly I stopped coming at all.

But when I tried leaving my own garden,
I could see the roses whome I cared for so much, melting away. The thorns around me grew longer, clenching their teeths into my skin. Stopping me from going out.

I want to leave....I can't leave.... I won't leave...

Why did I let her in? I knew from the start we were not meant to be. Why did I hoped for something that can not be?

Years and years of hoping, I felt like I will see her again.
My intuition was right, I met her once more, in the same painfully delighted place.

She spoke in a hushed tone, "Can I enter?" to which I again nodded amd let her in.

Her smile no longer appearing on her face and guilt written all over.

"I shouldn't have left you alone like that, I know you are angry at me."

I didn't answer.

"Everyday I came, I came for a reason, the roses here were the most beautiful of all."

I didn't say anything.

"I loved the roses more than I loved you, I wanted them for myself and I left when I had them."

I looked at her.

"I tried to grew them myself but couldn't they just withered away." she fell to the ground and cried a lot.

I smiled at her and for the first time I  asked, "Do you like roses?"
I wrote on the ground letter by letter
R. O. S. E. S
With red, white, yellow, blue and pink.

She seemed confused and looked at me with disbelief.
"I love them."

I laughed at the answer, that was what I expected. To love the things more than any person.

I picked her up by shoulders and said,
"Look up at the sky, look up at the clouds
Look at all the living things around you." I gave her my rose and told her to leave.

"Take it and never come back" I forced a smile, hoping she would deny.

Yet again my expectations hitted me with facts. She took it and left,
As my world crumbled at my back.

Like a rose I loved her and Like a rose I cared for her.

I was a boy in a garden filled with love.
She was the girl who took it all away from me.

🌹For all the people who loved someone more than themselves🌹

Plz don't give out every ounce of love to them
Keep some for yourself

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