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To the person
Who reads to escape reality
Who sees wonder in the clouds
Who's mind is much more exciting in their head
Who feels much more alive
In worlds which never were
And burns it with thoughts
Who dreams
Believes in magic

~This one is for you~

I always had a feeling, that I was out of place. That somehow, this isn't where I belong.
I longed for that warmth where only one sense filled my heart.


Though I might only think that adventure is full of happiness and love but instead I want the one where I meet new friends, who share some destiny with me, who fights to keep eachother alive and no matter how sad or tragic the journey may become,
They always share their worries and sorrows.

I want to see growth along the way.
Though it maybe a selfish thing to desire but I want a world which is not reality.
Where everything goes my way.

Though all in all it can't be real

But there is another! xD

And I call it, "IMAGINATION"
A world where everything I create can live,
I can create harmony
I can cause chaos
I can be the ruler
I can be the destroyer

From simple lovely flowers and crayons, skies filled with rainbows, unicorns and wonder
To extreme power abuse, murder, blood thirsty demonic possession with excruciating pain and terror

I can make it happen.

Yes they can also co-exist.
Imagination has that benifit where everything can be anything
If reality wouldn't hit us with a brick in the face
I'm sure many of us wouldn't even hesitate to stay in that fictional world.

To all my readers who love that kind of world
Your mind is beautiful even in chaos
It is yours and only yours to keep

There are worlds a galaxy
A whole universe whitin you

Do share you thoughts,
Through pen, paper and sentences
Through colors, brush and canvases
Through voice, sheets and melodies
Through operas, acting and series

Thou is art and art is thou

Live inside your worlds
At least it will be worth living

🌹 Have a blessed day Everyone 🌹

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