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There was something bothering me while I tried to sleep in our house. I wondered if I was the only one sensing this strange phenomenon or just my imagination.

But fear can not lie.

It's been a week since I bought this mansion around this wicked pond in this town. The trees were so slim and pitch black all around it. But that wasn't the only thing eeiri about that place.

Every midnight, I woke up by these odd noises.

Chirping of birds in the middle of the night. 

When I tried to inspect the trees near the pond, I found nothing that could be labeled as alive or edible.
What could be there at midnight that doesn't make a sound in the morning?

Nothing could be seen for miles and miles because the mansion was on the outer edge of village.
When I asked the people they would either shoo me away or stare blankly but they never answered me properly.

Why was I even there you may ask..
That was because I needed a place far away from my usual work place... For research on flowers and flora. I bought this mansion to continue my research.

However, I was not aware of this strange place where I thought I was never going to be peaceful again.

Then an idea struck me with great deal and I prepared myself to actually plan and work it out.
It was to sneak out of the mansion when the clock struck 12am. Although it's not wise to just go out like that.

Still curiosity got the best of me and hesitantly I went out just as planned. There was some time before it struck complete 12am.

The atmosphere was so cold and a shiver went down my spine. No stars in the sky could be seen and were covered with hazy clouds. A slight chill breeze blew like a ghost through my body.

I circled around the trees and focused my eyes all around the place, waiting or more like wishing... for something to actually happen.

Now that I was there, I didn't wanted to be disappointed and so I tapped my foot anxiously.

That moment of silence was broken by the bells of my dining clock striking mid-night. My anxiety grew as I waited any second longer.

Nothing happened...
Nothing at all...

Or that was what I thought. Too soon to give up! I then again went around the pond. I noticed the water from the edge of the pond.

What was crystal clear a moments ago was now turning a hazy green and blurring my vision. Also my reflection couldn't be seen anymore. The flashlight I brought started to flicker and after a smack it lit still... Thankfully it was working.

While doing so I heard small chirping coming from some corner around the one I was standing. I became still and closed my eyes to open my ears and listened closely.

Softly, softly then like a lullaby they sang in such harmony. I was attracted to the sound and wanted to hear more clearly. I saw what seemed like a tiny opening with a mouldy green algae floating under the tree branches. Over the pond the algae glowed and I couldn't resist to venture inside that hole.

And so I went inside, submerging myself into that mouldy water.
The inside was wider than it should've been from the outside. It felt like I entered a brand new realm.

I gazed all around me but all I could see were rotten branches, water dripping from atop and slippery surface made my footing unbalanced.

With a splash I lost my sighting and got completely drenched in the algae water, it tasted salty and weirdly like dirt.
The place smelled like roses dipped in mud and earth like drenched in rain, it was so refreshing.
I lost my flashlight and tried to find it but
When my eyes adjusted in the dark I couldn't believe what I saw.
The algae inside the trees where glowing brightly in the dark, making a whole new flora everywhere around me.

Soon my eyes widened in surprise, the voice I was craving came from some unidentified species flying over my head.
They looked like microscopic flowers, translucent and illuminated by the algae water.

Every droplet that fell from the branches went through them and made a chirp. A melodious song was composed when I heard each and every droplet fell.

Huge grin on my face I couldn't hide my excitement and happiness.
Then the thought of villagers not speaking to me about this flora came to my mind.

Ahh.. Now I know why they hesitated in telling me... I'm a researcher on flora and herbs...
I could've caused destruction by taking this take in my custody.
But no matter how desperately I tried... I couldn't catch even one of these things or the algae...

Hence, I decided not to overwhelm these living things or disturb the peace. Maybe they are meant to be hidden and forbidden to be studied for they can cause some unnatural phenomenon.

I decided to exclude them from my studies so that I can also be at peace
Now, every midnight I look forward to their melodies.

Soft pure melodies that I grew to love each time.

A/N: heya readers! Did you like this new style of mine? (Not killing off characters I mean) xD

Just kidding, I love mystical places and wanted to write about one so bad..
Thoughts about these creatures? What would you do if you come across them?

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