133 - Rebecca

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Tara called Jake to help. Angela packed a few things to bring with her—since she couldn't be trusted if she was left alone—and Tara grabbed her to take her back to the house. Jake grabbed me since neither of us was single and it made more sense to a jealous Tara. Jake placed me down outside the red room before I grabbed Angela by the wrist and dragged her through the door.

The moment we entered, heads turned to us. Although they'd heard Angela's voice before, none of them had seen her. I was unfortunately more than aware of how similar we looked in the face, even if she had platinum blonde hair and only wore white. That meant she was hot just like me.

Jake and Tara slipped past us for their place on the couch while I kicked the door shut with my foot. I glanced at Colby, who was carefully watching Angela from his chair. He laid across it like always, phone in hand, though he wasn't paying attention to it.

When I looked back at the single guys, I saw all of them checking Angela out and I cleared my throat, glaring at them.

"I'm not going to bother introducing her. Hands and eyes off, perverts," I snapped at them. Angela glanced at me as she made eyes at Aryia, who was still watching her. I raised a brow but didn't say anything.

She slowly looked around the rest of the room, landing on Colby for an extended amount of time. I couldn't tell if she was checking him out or trying to figure out if he was a threat or not, but I didn't like it. At all. I was tempted to drag her out of the room just to get her away from him, but she finally looked at me. She caught the end of my narrowed eyes, which I hadn't realised I was doing, and she smirked.

"Don't worry," she said, "he's not my type." I rolled my eyes at her and walked away to sit on my boyfriend. He put his phone away knowing that I was coming. I was surprised he let me over him because I was wearing a skirt and I knew he didn't like the others to be looking in case it rode up my hips.

Angela found a seat next to Aryia, who I noticed was pretending not to see her. Xepher was fairly close, so the two of them started to talk as if they'd known each other for years... extroverts.

They looked like the least likely of friends, although we looked like the least likely of sisters. While she was distracted and being introduced to everyone, I turned to Colby. I hoped everyone was paying attention to my sister just in case we ended up fighting.

I didn't waste any time—I'd had enough of patience today. "What did you have to talk about?" I asked him. I couldn't describe how relieved I was when he told me the truth.

"James and Blair," he said, not intending to say more until he saw the slight raise of my brow. "We have no idea where Blair is and we had to make sure we put James somewhere no one would ever find him."

"Have you?" He nodded. "Are we going after Blair?"


I glanced at Angela, who was deep in conversation with Katrina now. They looked like they were in a different world entirely, as if the rest of the room weren't there. Aryia was more than aware of them, staring at my sister now that she was distracted. I turned back to Colby and gave him a look, so he spoke too low for me to hear. Aryia instantly looked at us before he forced his eyes over to Reggie instead.

"Angela is addicted to getting bitten," I murmured as I shifted to be more comfortable, "but the vampires she gets bitten by are the kind who might be friends with James. The vampires here aren't." I stopped, waiting for Colby's reaction. He'd put the pieces together immediately but had no opinion on it. "Aryia seems interested in her."

"Aryia is the only one besides Kevin who might not kill her," Colby replied.

"Remind me to keep Elton and Mike the fuck away from her, then." I turned to the single guys to see the two of them already looking at me with smirks. I glared at them both before flicking to look at Aryia. He was distracted by her again. Definitely the one to choose. "Angela," I called.

She turned to me smiling. "Yeah?"

"Need to talk."

Nowhere in the house was away from the ears of the vampires, but I could at least feel like I had some privacy. I leaned down and kissed Colby before sliding off of him. Angela was already at the door waiting for me. We walked to the living room of the house, which I was pretty sure only Katrina used, and took a seat on the couch... as far apart as possible.

"Do you know everyone's name in there?" I asked her, shifting my hair out of my face.


"There are only four single guys, and two of them usually kill whoever they feed on. You have the choice of Aryia or Kevin."

"Aryia," she replied instantly. I couldn't help it when I let my surprised expression show through. She started to blush as she avoided eye contact, turning into the couch. "He's cute," she whispered into the cushions.

"Whatever, Angela. You aren't a teenager. Just don't let him kill you." I paused. "Have you talked to Mom?"

"Since the showcase? No. I don't think she was very happy you went missing. You might want to talk to her about that."

"She'll get over it," I replied sharply, glancing down at my hands.

Truthfully, I was hoping Mom wasn't mad at me. She was the only damn family member I actually valued and I still had a hair on my head that required her approval from when I was a kid. My mother was like a spider's web: a trap. She made you like her and she didn't even have to try to make you want to please her. During my late teenage years, most of that had left me, but I was fully aware of the tiny part of me that still cared about what she thought.

Hell, a part of me was still a little scared of her.

The next part of my plan was to call Mom, and I wasn't going to wait for that.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now