163 - Rebecca

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It seemed the pain all over my body would never cease. Despite being awake for minutes now, I hadn't been able to move. Whatever was holding me down couldn't have been that strong, however, whatever made my heart race was. I didn't know what happened after my eyes closed, only that the darkness surrounded me. I'd felt breezes and nothing else, and some stupid part of me hoped that Colby had found me and was saving me, but then I was thrown down like a rag doll.

Colby only did that to me when he was really excited.

After a short while, the voices around me started to become clear. "-just take someone like her. Do you know who she is?" This voice was squeaky but obviously male.

"I don't care. I was careful enough. Can you smell her?" A deep voice replied.

"Don't be stupid! You're a part of us, so you're supposed to have brains. Act with your head, not your fangs. We talked about this," Squeaky voice exclaimed angrily.

"Boys, we should return her to her owners," a third voice reasoned. Something about that voice made my skin crawl.

"Shut up, you're not even a part of us," Deep voice growled.

"For as long as he brings the feeds here, he is a part of us. And he's fucking right. We have to take her back. She belongs to Colby!"

There was a pause. "Colby?"

"Yes! As in, kicked your ass ten times in one week Colby. She's his." Another beat of silence. "Really his. They're a thing. You heard, didn't you? He's gone soft—he found his One."

Deep scoffed. "He's gone soft, huh? Then why are you so worried?"

"Just because he's gone soft for her doesn't mean he's gone soft al-"

"Wait a minute," the third voice boomed, shutting Squeaky up. "She's Colby's One?"

"Yes! Didn't you already hear? I thought you kept close to him."

After another beat of silence, I felt a weight dip down whatever it was that I was lying on. A couch, perhaps, or maybe a bed. I hoped for my sake that it was the former. The weight was followed by the feeling of someone leaning over me, then a slow exhale that hit my face. I realised I wanted to cringe, but I fought it back. Now wasn't the time to start moving.

"Perhaps we should keep her," the third voice muttered, a cold finger trailing down the side of my face. Don't flinch. Don't flinch. Don't flinch. Or throw up, which I wanted to do so badly. "She may be useful."

"To get us killed, yes!" Squeaky exclaimed, exasperated. "Don't take his side. We both know this is a terrible idea."

The third voice chuckled so deeply that the whole couch shook beneath him, simultaneously shaking me. "Don't worry, I'll take her off your hands. I've had my eye on this one in particular for a while, I just had no idea she had anything to do with Colby. A male vampire, yes, but not Colby." He paused. "I keep my distance, you see."

"I don't want to hear about your creepy stalker days," Squeaky growled, sounding like he was cringing.

Deep groaned. "Can we stop discussing this and bite her already? She smells too good to waste."

To my surprise, the third voice snarled. "Don't you fucking dare. If anybody is going to bite this woman, it will be me. I have a claim to her whole fucking bloodline, there is no way I'm going to give up the chance to claim her, too." There was another pause where the tension in the room was close to unbearable. "I suggest the both of you leave before I make you leave. I'm taking her with me and there's nothing you can do about it."

More silence, followed by a fourth voice—this one female. "Are you sure that's a good idea yourself? You've been caught by them before and that's when you didn't have the leader's One."

The third voice snorted. "Please. They caught me that time because I wanted to be caught. I wanted to know what they would do to me. They let me go, unsurprisingly."

"You're not going to get away with your life for this," Squeaky pointed out, but I felt the third voice shrug as if he didn't care. "Whatever, I'm not getting involved anymore. You, come with me, we're going to have a talk with the boss."

Grumbling, two sets of footsteps led out of the room.

It sounded like someone else came closer, though, until a different finger touched my face, this time brushing my hair back. "She does smell exquisite. Are you sure you don't want a bite? I could join you?" The woman's voice was closer to a pur.

"Not now, dear. I've been waiting for this one a long time, I do not want to ruin this moment."

"If you're sure."

"I am." I heard a kiss then the woman's footsteps led away from me. "Send in Markus and Harry—I want them to take her to my house for me."

"Yes, Daddy," the woman purred.

"Hey, I said not to call me that outside the bedroom," the third voice growled, though I could've sworn I heard a smirk in his tone. The woman giggled, but the sound became fainter as if she was running away from us. I was lying still, though I was acutely aware that I could move now.

It felt like there was a long beat of silence before the body next to me leaned down. "I vowed that I would bite you someday the moment you were born. I may not be your first, but I will be your last. Don't worry, Rebecca, I'll take care of you. You just have to submit to me." He sighed heavily and the cold fingers caressed my cheek. "You can stop pretending now."

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now