171 - Rebecca

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We went to my apartment more or less without a word. As soon as we were out of hearing range of the house—vampire hearing range, that is—Colby muttered that he loved me and kissed the back of my hand. That time I didn't even try to stop smiling, kissing his cheek across the seats.

But now that we were here, I could see the cloud of troubles above his head. He knew he was going to have to say something to me; to explain why he'd been annoyed back at the house. It had to be something the others said because I hadn't done anything—that I knew of, at least.

He led me up to my door then inside, locking the door. To avoid getting into whatever it was so soon, I looked up at him and asked, "Are we going back to the house tonight?"

"Maybe," he answered, pulling me against him. His arm slithered around my waist, heating my skin.

"Okay, should I ask or will you tell me outright?" I continued, staring up at him. His jaw clenched and unclenched, his eyes hard again as he looked at me, though he didn't look away. I watched him make the decision.

"The others are... pressuring me about something," he admitted, rubbing his thumb on my side. His eyes flicked down to watch himself do it but I didn't dare take my gaze from his face. "They want me to do something and they kept making comments about it, all night... It started just before you came downstairs."

I frowned. "What is it?" He shook his head. "Is it something I can't know or something you don't want me to know?" I paused. "Or is it about me?"

"It's about you," he admitted, "and I don't want you to know."

"I can't even get a hint?" I urged and he shook his head. My finger tipped his face up so I could see him. He didn't look annoyed anymore but rather... sad. That was new. "You haven't reacted like this to anything before," I pointed out.


"Tell me why."

He hesitated then pulled me even closer and said, "Because what they're telling me to do, I want to happen. I just... don't want to..." He frowned at himself, trying to look away but I wouldn't let him.

"You're making me so curious right now," I muttered with a smile on my face.

"It's something I have to ask you—I don't want to ask you and I don't think you'll want... it, anyway,"
he explained as he ran his hands up my sides until he reached my top, where he stopped to run them back down again. I let him do it a few times, friction building between our skin.

"Okay," I said slowly, wrapping my arms around his neck, "then how about you try me? Maybe I will want it to happen—you don't know. I never react the way you want me to."

Colby sighed heavily. "But the thing is, I want you to say yes to it."

"I never react the way you expect," I corrected, raising a brow. "Just ask whatever it is you want to ask me. I promise I won't get mad—I don't promise that often."

He smiled, shaking his head. I watched him in wait, my plan for tonight completely slipping my mind. I didn't want to upset him any more than he already was even if he deserved it for throwing me into the pool and leaving me in bed this evening. I just wanted to be with him; to find out what his friends' newest annoying quality was and maybe get some long cuddling hours in with him.

After a short while, Colby started to back me up. I didn't know where we were going or what his plan was, but eventually, I felt the kitchen counter at my back. He pressed himself against me, his hands resting either side of my body to trap me. I stared up into his eyes curiously, butterflies in my stomach.

"I'm not just saying this because they're telling me to, Becks. I do want this and I considered it a while ago but decided not to even bring it up—I knew you'd never say yes."

"Just say it, Colby."

He sighed. "I want you to move in with me." I fell still. "For a couple of reasons but mostly because I just want to be with you all the time. I hate knowing you have this other place to go to when you're not with me. It... worries me." He was frowning.

Despite everything going through my head, I raised a brow at him. "You want to trap me at your house?" He smiled, making me roll my eyes and force the urge to smile back down.

I took a few breaths, thinking this over. Did I want to move into that house? Sure, I would live with Colby in a heartbeat but he wasn't the only person in that house. I liked having some ounce of privacy and the fact that we were here at my apartment to talk about this proved we weren't entirely comfortable talking around the others. Where would we go when we didn't want to talk and have them able to listen in?

Reading my mind, Colby shifted closer. "I know we don't talk about certain things in front of them but we don't listen to each other that often once you're moved in. No one listens to Tara and Jake talk or Reggie and Cassie." He paused. "But, for your peace of mind, I'll find somewhere... I promise."

I narrowed my gaze. "Like what?"

"I know lots of abandoned buildings—some that even Sam doesn't know about. We'll make one ours." My heart jumped without my permission. Colby smiled, his eyes flicking down to my neck where I assumed the blood was plentiful. The silver around his eyes, which was almost invisible now, didn't expand: he had complete control.

After about a minute, I sighed. "Can I tell you that I'll think about it?" I asked. "I'd love to live with you but I don't want to just... give up this place yet and-"

Colby kissed me to shut me up. His lips were soft yet eager, taking over my body and distracting me from any thoughts I had left. He continued to trap me to the counter but one of his hands came up to my back to hold me to him. I didn't know how he slipped his tongue into my mouth, only that he did.

The kiss was supposed to just get my attention; the tension from the whole night must have gotten to him.

I whimpered when he finally pulled away, both of us sucking in a breath. He lightly rubbed his nose against mine then kissed me again, this time only for a second. "Fuck, I lost my train of thought," he muttered making me laugh.

"You lost your train of thought? Mine's gone off the rails and over a cliff." He laughed at me before shaking his head, taking a big step back. I stayed against the counter.

We both gathered our thoughts and he said, "Obviously you can think about it. There's no rush. I don't know whether to say something to the others but I'll decide that when I have to."

"I'd prefer if you didn't," I admitted. "This is our business, not theirs." He nodded in agreement, zipping back to me. His eyes searched mine for a few moments, though I wasn't sure what for. When he smiled, I couldn't help but mirror it.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you, too. A lot, even though you make it impossible to think around you."

"Hm," he agreed, leaning in just enough to brush his lips against mine. Just like that, my thoughts were gone and my legs were useless. "Don't worry, it's mutual."

"Just fucking kiss me, Colby," I snapped and he did. He really did.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now