95 - Rebecca

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I bit my lip as I pulled back from Colby, smiling. I knew that I was hidden so I didn't mind it even in front of his friends. He brushed his nose against mine then against my cheek, smiling himself. I wanted to laugh. Maybe even giggle. That, I wouldn't do in the confines of this house where the others could hear me do it; that sound was reserved for Colby and he knew it. But he was pushing his luck as he playfully licked my nose. I wrinkled up my face and fought the urge to laugh, though a tiny snicker slipped out. He bit his cheek, staring at me with that look I didn't know in his eyes again.

Just as I was about to say something, his face completely changed into a serious expression as he frowned. My brows drew together in confusion but he didn't explain it. I sat up, glancing around the room. The other 'inhuman' people were concerned, too, Tara looking at me. I wanted to scream at them to tell me what was wrong, but someone else made it very clear.

The distant sound of the front door flying open and closed had even me on edge. Elton got up to run out but the voice that screamed bloody murder was painfully familiar. And she called my name. "Rebecca!"

My head snapped to the door of the red room, responding to the blood-curdling scream. More eyes were on me now. "The fuck is she doing here?" I growled. I slipped from Colby's waist without giving him chance to stop me and flew through the room—at a pitiful human speed.

When I got to the kitchen, I found Angela searching desperately for me without moving from the middle of the hallway. My entire body suddenly rippled with intense anger. "The fuck are you doing here, Angela?!" I exclaimed at her, though I wanted to do a lot more than that.

Angela looked at me and breathed out in relief. She ran right up to me, wrapping her arms around me in a hug. I shoved her away as hard as I could, almost sending her to the ground. "Answers," I snarled.

"You have to get out of here!" She exclaimed back at me, anxious about her surroundings. "Trust me. As your sister, trust me. You do not want to be here. You don't know what- what things are here."

"I have a pretty clear idea of one 'thing' that's here and shouldn't be," I growled back, stomping forward a couple of steps.

She looked terrified. "Oh god, they compelled you, didn't they? I knew it! I'm sorry, Becky. I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner!"

"What are you talking about?" I rolled my eyes. "You know what, I don't care. Just get the fuck out. I don't know how you're—"

"I had a friend follow you," she answered hurriedly. "She said you came here. I knew it when I saw his car at your apartment. I knew you were in danger."

I made a face. "Of fucking what?"

"Your... oh, I don't know what he's told you to believe."


"Colby!" She exclaimed back at me. I went quiet. "You don't know what he is! I bet you don't, even if he didn't compel you. Why do you think that is? To protect you from the truth? That's bull crap. You and I—"

"Watch what you fucking say. You're hardly on higher ground."

"I was worried!" She defended herself. "Because he's taking advantage of you. I didn't know how else to help you. You're always so defensive all the time. Where's the bite?"

"The- Angela, get the fuck out. I don't want or need you here."

"You're gonna—"

"He's not a fucking blood-sucking leech like the ones you hang out with. Just because you made that mistake doesn't mean I have." Angela frowned at me. "What, think I didn't know anything at all? I'm not a fucking idiot, Angela. You and Mom came home with blood on your necks and wrists in the arms of some weird stranger with a silver ring around his eyes. It wasn't very difficult to put dots together when my boyfriend accidentally bit me and disappeared in a flash, or his friends started drinking something red in front of me."

Out of all of that, Angela only heard one thing. "He really has bitten you?"

I groaned. "Fucking selective hearing. Yes. Acci-fucking-dentally ages ago. But am I dead? No! So take your misplaced care and fuck off." I turned around, intending to go back to the red room and let this become merely a bad memory. But as I turned my back to her, she lunged at me with something in her hand I wasn't sure about.

Then I felt a slash on my arm and hissed loudly in pain, jerking backwards. My hand clutched my arm, peeling back to reveal blood all over it. Angela stood ahead of me holding a small knife with my blood on it. "You fucking bitch." I growled under my breath in pain.

I felt a breeze and Angela sucked in a breath. She froze but I didn't, turning to see Colby standing a couple of feet away from me, unsure. His eyes were on the red liquid pouring down my arm. This time when I saw the silver ring expanding, I knew for a fact what was happening. I would be lying if I said I wasn't completely certain Colby wouldn't hurt me, because he had almost lost control around me a number of times and that silver was the first sign. But I was still confident, so I carefully motioned him closer.

He was less sure of himself than I was.

He didn't move, that silver getting wider until it filled his whole eye aside from the blue, which was tinted to turn purple. The space around his eyes was turning black, his skin paler. I felt like I couldn't turn away—not because he'd hurt me, but because I wanted to see him change.

He didn't let me see a damn thing. He turned around away from me, never looking back. I thought I heard his voice lowly before he disappeared. A second later, Sam was next to me. He carefully held out my arm and twisted it, ignoring Angela completely. She was still frozen in place after essentially stabbing me.

"Rebecca," Sam said, the silver ring of his eyes expanding only slightly. He had more control than Colby did, somehow. "You might want to get rid of her. We need to talk about this."

"I've been trying to get rid of her the whole time, Sam. It's not fucking working."

Sam zipped over to my sister and, for half a second, I panicked. But all he did was stand right in front of her and stare into her eyes. She looked entranced; completely distracted by him. "Go home," he said sternly. I watched as a silver tint flashed over Angela's eyes before she dropped the knife and started to walk. I was astonished, but I knew she wasn't leaving because Sam had said so—at least, she wasn't leaving of her own free will from it.

All was silent in the house. Even the music had died down. The only sound was the front door opening and closing.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now