150 - Rebecca

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"Elton, pick three people and go investigate the places Julian frequents—I want to know everything about them. Who's there? Where are the exits? Everything he might know. Get back here ASAP," Colby instructed, his face stern and his voice authoritative. I couldn't help but just watch him as he dished the orders out to Elton. He was so hot when he was in control.

"Okay. Griffin, Xepher, and Corey. I choose you guys."

"Go," Colby snapped and all four of them disappeared from their places in a blur. When the front door slammed shut behind them, Colby looked to Mike. "Get everyone outside and start training, I have to talk to Sam."

Mike nodded, getting up and darting from the room. Soon enough, it was just me, Sam, Colby, and Katrina left in the red room. I glanced around at us, wondering why Colby had kept a firm hold of my wrist so I wouldn't go out with Mike and the others. He started to speak to Sam too low for either of us to hear.

Oh, hell no. He wasn't going to exclude me just because I had a heartbeat.

I cleared my throat, but Colby paid me no attention. Glancing at Katrina, I noticed she was completely infatuated by watching Sam, which I would have understood if Colby wasn't being an ass.

He still ignored me, so I got up. His eyes flicked to my face for a moment but I was already walking out of the room, my boots fortunately loud on the floor. I'd missed wearing my boots—anything that didn't make the room shake when I walked was pathetic. I liked the height I'd gained, too.

Somehow, Colby didn't come after me the whole time I was walking outside. I saw Mike sparring with somebody in the backyard, halfway through a kick when he noticed me. He didn't say anything, but it drew Tara's attention to my face. She zipped over to me and blocked my view. "Hey," she greeted.

"Tara, don't stand in my way," I replied sharply. She didn't move. "So that's why he didn't stop me," I muttered, glaring back towards the red room. Tara just smiled innocently at me and started to walk forward, forcing me to take a step back. That was her intention, at least. I wasn't intimidated.

"Beck, you can't come out here—and you definitely can't train," she said as she actually grabbed my arm. I snatched it back, glaring harder at her than I ever had before.

"Do not fucking manhandle me ever again, Tara. I don't give a shit if you're you, I will slap you."

Taken aback, Tara didn't stop me this time when I went for the backdoor. No one outside did, either, as I made my way over to one of the sunbeds. I sat down and watched Mike beat the shit out of Reggie—the match was slightly tipped in his favour, though. When he stood up, he looked at me.

"You're not supposed to be out here." I just raised a brow. "Look, I'm not going against Colby."

"Too bad. I am," I replied, tilting my head to the side. I could see Kevin smirking over his shoulder, but I refused to back down from the challenge in Mike's gaze. Just as it felt like I was winning, a breeze led up to me.

A fast headcount told me exactly who was behind me. Another clue was when I felt someone grab me. The world was a blur then I was in Colby's room and he wasn't. Did he just lock me in his room?!

"Asshole!" I yelled as loudly as I could. He could have heard me if I'd whispered, but I had to get some energy out. I banged once on the door then walked over to his bed, dropping onto it with a huff. It felt like I was a teenager who'd been grounded, and that definitely didn't sit well with me.

Colby could try to keep me away from their training as much as he wanted; I was going to sit out there and I didn't care how it happened.

So I waited for a little while, listening to them all fight through the window. I didn't think Colby had fought yet, which meant that he was still free to drag me back up to his room. So I waited a little more... until I got bored.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now