45 - Colby

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          I darted back to the red room and sat in my chair in silence. Nobody talked, the music was off, and the tension was high. I waited for a few moments, letting the anticipation set in. Aryia wasn't actually in his room; I had told him to get the fuck out of the house unless he wanted to have a broken neck for the next couple of hours. But I'd told him only about five minutes, and it'd been closer to ten since he ran off. Now he sat in his seat, staring anywhere but at me. I wished bruises showed on vampires, because I had hit him hard.

Finally, I leaned my elbows on my knees and looked at each face of the single guys. "Do I have to say what this is about, or have you already figured it out?" My voice was close to a growl; a warning.

"We know," Elton said sternly. The fun he was having earlier had stopped completely and he was dead serious.

I knew he wasn't the problem anyway — just like I knew Kevin wasn't. But everyone had to hear this. "I'm not tolerating anything regarding Rebecca. I'm sure she would have already punched you herself, if she heard everything you were saying." I glanced at Tara, who was watching me weirdly. She looked excited but I couldn't really tell why or if that was even right. "Keep your comments to yourself. And your whistles." I glared at Kevin for a second.

"We get it: don't hit on Rebecca," Mike grumbled.

I stared at him, wondering if he was annoyed or disappointed. I decided annoyed when he almost glared back at me.

As I was about to say something else, Rebecca barely whispered my name upstairs — she was already knocked out asleep. I recognised the tone of her whisper as the one she did when she was calling for me in her dreams. If I was human, I would have blushed, but I wasn't; I was an anger-driven vampire.

"You can keep your ears to yourself too." I couldn't stop myself from answering Rebecca's second call, flying up the stairs and into my room. I was careful to shut the door gently, even at the speed I was moving. I sped to the bed and sat just in front of her, watching the frown on her face. It eased when I touched her hand lightly. She hummed in her sleep.

Just as fast as I had ran upstairs, I changed into my sweatpants and crawled into bed with her. As soon as I had my arms around her waist, she sighed in content. My chest warmed intensely, so hot that I thought there might have been real blood there. But there wasn't, just the phantom feeling like it was yesterday.

I spent most of the night watching Rebecca. She was dreaming, though I wasn't sure what it was about. I figured out that she only dreamed about me when I wasn't with her, for a dream-me to fill in the gaps when I wasn't there. But when I was, I had no clue what ran through her head. Sometimes she would frown and I'd feel and smell her getting angry in her sleep — because she was able to get angry in her sleep. Other times, she would get scared, which had surprised me a few times so far. Her heart would jump in her chest and she'd even shiver. She would never have let me see that if she was awake, which was why I watched her — aside from just wanting to see the beautiful innocent girl slowly becoming mine.

Whatever time I fell asleep, I wasn't sure, I only knew that the black sky had turned orange. And I knew that I was tired when my ears caught my door opening and heavy footsteps echoing through the room. I was still basically asleep when I heard the intruder speak, too. "Colby, wake up."

The female voice wasn't that of my girl, so I wasn't interested.


"Tara, have you gone mad?" another female voice hissed from the doorway.

This one I pinpointed much more easily, because I had known her longer: Devyn. And Tara; it didn't matter, though, since both of them were going to die if they didn't get the hell out of my room.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now