106 - Rebecca

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At that moment, nothing mattered but Colby. I thought I could stand there and hug him forever; hold him close where he couldn't get hurt; keep him safe. I wanted to stand there forever, actually. I think I would have if Colby hadn't nudged me as a signal to let go. I hardly did, lifting my head to see his face. He met my eyes and I saw the silver in his expanding.

Sam spoke softly, taking Colby's job for him. "He got staked in the stomach so he needs to feed to get stronger." My mouth opened and closed again. I wasn't sure what to say to that.

Elton stood up. "I'll get one for you," he said. I didn't know exactly what I was thinking when I caught his wrist—somehow—to stop him. I'd moved so fast I could have sworn I'd somehow turned into a vampire for half a second. I managed to keep Elton from moving, too. He looked at me sharply before he controlled his expression.

"Don't," I said, acting on some possession that overtook me. I saw some smirks in the corner of my eye—people who'd figured it out. Colby hadn't, and he was frowning slightly at me. I rolled my eyes as Elton went to sit back down, grabbing Colby's hand instead. I didn't say a word as I dragged him from the room. He followed me, completely oblivious.

"Good luck!" I heard Jake yell and I muttered, "fuck off," back at him. As soon as I got to Colby's room, I used my ass to shut the door. He was still watching me with confusion written all over his face. How he hadn't put the dots together, I wasn't sure.

I led him over to the bed and made him sit down. He automatically shuffled back as I climbed onto his lap. Since he still didn't know what I was going to let him do, I just kissed him. It was slow, full of everything that I'd felt in the last hour; full of my emotions; of my passion for him. And he managed to return the same passion, even though he was apparently weak.

My fingers dragged my hair from one shoulder, revealing the side of my neck he always kissed and nibbled at—it held both my spot and his spot. With all of my curls on one shoulder, I pulled back from the kiss and shuffled closer. He eyed my neck suspiciously; longingly. But he didn't do anything.

I moved my face a little closer with my head turned to the side to reveal more to him. He looked at it for a long second before he jerked backwards, almost falling back on the bed. He caught himself with one arm, his hand holding me at arm's length. "No," he said instantly.

"Just do it, Colby."

He shook his head. "I could kill you. I can't— I won't—" he couldn't find more words so he shook his head again. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the hair at the top of his neck, pulling him up to me. My head dipped down as my lips pressed against the skin of his neck. I nipped, just lightly, where he always bit at me. His breath came out shaky until he controlled it.

"Keep control of yourself," I kissed his neck again, "I know you can," and again. "You've done it before," again. He tried to push me away but I pushed him down instead. He stared at me, vulnerable. "I'm not taking no for an answer."

"And I'm not doing that," he challenged.

My arms crossed and my head tilted. I knew just what to do, because I knew what Colby was like. "Should I go and get bitten by someone else instead?" He snarled, flipping us so I was on my back, my wrists pinned above my head. I breathed out in surprise. "Tara would never let you kill me, and you'd never let yourself kill me. So get over yourself and just do it."

He was about to shake his head but I grabbed his face and made him kiss me. He somehow slid between my legs sending a thrill through my body, his hands caressing my waist and hips. I felt his hips moving absent-mindedly, rocking into me. My heart started pounding.

Fighting to hold back a moan was hard, especially when he broke from the main kiss to move down my jaw and neck. I sucked in a breath now, holding the back of his head with one hand to stop him from trying to get away. He reached his spot and nipped me, but didn't dare bite me yet. I wanted to groan but he kissed my spot lightly and I lost track of thought.

We were so close. So close.

He moved back to his spot, nudging my skin with his nose as he started to look up at me. "If I hurt you..." he trailed off, unsure of what to say.

"I'll kill you. Simple as." He smiled, just a little bit, then glanced back down at my veins, almost like he was asking for more permission. My voice went crazily soft. "You can do it, Colby, I trust you."

"You shouldn't," he whispered, sending a shiver down my spine. His lips worked on his spot gently, only getting harder when my fingers tugged at the strands of hair at the back of his head. I felt his lips part, then, and something sharp grazed over my skin. I looked down at him but the room was too dark to see his shift yet. "Fuck," Colby whispered, breathless, "don't let me kill you."

I smiled to myself. "I won't, trust me."

"I do," and then I felt two pricks and I gasped. My lip drew straight into my mouth, my legs squeezing Colby and my hands clutching at him. Katrina hadn't been kidding when she said it was euphoric to be bitten. I felt the rush of adrenaline mixed with satisfaction flow through my entire body and arch my back. I definitely made a noise I couldn't control.

Colby took one of my hands, pinning it next to my head. He laced our fingers sweetly together in a motion he'd never done before then squeezed. Even in my daze, I managed to squeeze back. It was like a mutual assurance that we could do this.

The euphoria hit its peak when Colby moved away. He had a dampened bottom lip, red covering it and a single drop falling. I saw his vampire face for the first time. Amid my orgasmic daze, it only made me want him. He had red eyes, a purple tint to the black spots underneath. He looked completely and totally edible.

I reached up, swiping my thumb over the droplet of my own blood then over his lip before putting it in my mouth. The moment my blood touched my tongue, the euphoria was replaced with an intense lust for him. His face shifted back to human, but the silver of his eyes still reached the corners. He growled, tearing my hand from my mouth to replace it with his lips.

I completely forgot that he'd just bitten me.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now