184 - Sam

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Julian stopped what he was doing the moment he saw Colby coming for them. He moved faster than even I could see into the house, grabbing the first vampire he could get his hands on. It happened to be Emily, who'd dared to try to meet him before he could get inside. It was like an instant reaction as his hands reached out for her head and twisted, snapping her neck. She fell to the floor and Colby paused, his eyes on Julian.

Everyone was watching, even Rebecca.

Colby's voice was low and deadly when he spoke. I could only imagine the fire in his eyes. "Get your hands off of her, Julian," he said. "You bite her and death won't be what you have to suffer from for the rest of your life."

Julian hesitated. He looked around at those with him. Emily, dead on the floor for the time being. Agatha, a useless human. Two vampires hanging out in the background looking defensive but not moving from their places. He didn't have nearly enough manpower to fight Colby and he knew that, so he let go of his grip on Rebecca's neck and pushed her forward. She fell instantly into Colby's arms.

I knew even from afar that he didn't want to let go of her so soon but everyone knew all he cared about was getting her to safety. That's why he swung his arm under her legs to sweep her up into his arms and threw her through the doorway. He trusted us to catch her and so I did. She landed in my arms almost featherlight and I placed her on her feet but she wasn't interested in me.

Her head, along with most heads, turned to the house again to watch Colby and Julian. Colby was distracted by us; by making sure Rebecca was okay. He should have known better; he should have used his head; he should have just turned around and killed Julian on the spot... but he didn't. He made sure I caught Rebecca and in doing so, he had his back turned to Julian for just too long.

Everything happened in a blur when Julian darted up to him. He turned around to meet the challenge only for his whole body to tense up. He froze on the spot as did we, waiting to know what had happened. It was only when his knees gave out beneath him and he fell onto his side that we saw what had happened.

A stake was right there in his chest.

"COLBY!" Rebecca screamed, voicing the sound from my own head. She collapsed in my arms, falling to the floor along with him. Her one hand clutched her chest whilst her other clutched onto me for her life. When she tried to breathe, it sounded like she was gasping for air. This was what it looked like when you lost your One.


No, it couldn't be.

Julian knew we would kill him for what he'd done. He knew that we'd find a way to get into his house and we'd kill him, which was why he threw Emily over his shoulder and immediately darted out of the house. The other two vampires ran for Colby instead, one of them glancing at us first.

Rebecca was crying as she tried to pull out of my arms but I wouldn't let her. I held onto her because those vampires were still in there. I had to keep Colby's One safe if I'd failed him...

I'd failed him.

"Let go of me!" Rebecca screamed, pushing at my chest and clawing at my arms. I refused to move. I didn't know what the reactions of everyone else were but I could feel Kevin's sadness radiating from him and Rebecca's distress was all over her face. "Sam, let me go!" Rebecca yelled, still fighting me.

Couldn't she see that he was gone? It didn't matter if she went to him now or if she went to him later, when it was safe. Why couldn't she see that? Why was she about to punch me in the face?

She punched me in the face and I finally let go of her out of shock. The stake tucked into my pocket was snatched out before Rebecca broke away from us, running for the doorway. The two vampires, despite seeing she was only human, instantly cleared off through the back door and kept running. We were all too frozen to run after them.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now