12 - Rebecca

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          The door practically flung open. Colby stood there, fuming, staring directly at my new friend. He looked like he was about to rip her head off, and honestly, I wasn't sure if he would or not. Something about him screamed authority, danger; the sort of you-don't-want-to-cross-me vibe that was so attractive. He took just two steps into the room, ignoring my existence.

"You know what's about to happen," he growled at Tara, and I saw that silver ring in his eyes pulsating. I glanced at Jake.

Sam suddenly stood, walking up to Colby. "Dude, she's only been here two seconds. We tell her to leave and-"

"Don't care. I say the rules and that means that she" — he didn't even look at me — "isn't allowed in here. Or in the whole fucking house." He glared at Tara again.

I cleared my throat but he didn't look at me, still staring at Tara. I raised a brow and crossed my arms over my chest again. "You know, you're not nearly as hot when you're being a complete fucking moron."

His eyes flicked to me, then, if only for a second.

"Get her out of here," he told Sam. "And deal with her."

Sam was taken back. So was I, in a sense. "Deal with her" couldn't be anything even remotely good, whatever it meant. The sense of danger surrounding him increased insanely, as I realised the others were looking at me worriedly like there was truly something to be afraid of. A small part of me hoped I'd be able to smart mouth my way out of this... Who was I kidding? Of course I could.

"I can let myself out if I choose to." I looked at Tara. "Do you live here?"

She nodded.

"And who invited me?"

"I did," she whispered, confused.

I turned back to Colby. "Huh. Looks like I can be here. Go figure. Actually, no, go fuck yourself. You're the only one with a problem so you can fuck off, not me." Tara was smirking now in the corner of my eye, though she was trying to hide it.

Colby, on the other hand, was far from amused. I saw him moving towards me too late. Too late for Sam, too, who only saw when he was right next to me. We weren't too far from the door, which was why it wasn't too hard for him to grab my wrist, drag me a couple steps, and shove me through the door into the hallway. He stood in the doorway so that I couldn't get back in and crossed his arms over his chest. I laughed humourlessly, trying to ignore the pain on my wrist.

"Never drag a bitch out of a room. Odds are, she'll do damage to the rest of the house." I launched my foot backwards into the closest wall. My boot went through it, creating a small hole.

Colby's nostrils flared.

"You don't scare me. Want me to make more holes in the wall, or are you gonna let me back in?"

He stayed still. I slowly nodded, backing up. I had a plan and hoped desperately that he'd returned in a car and put it in the space I'd seen. "Alright. You asked for it." I walked quickly down the hall and back through the front door. A red car now sat in the space that had been on the drive. I jogged quickly up to it and kicked it where I usually kicked my car, where it wouldn't do any damage but set off the alarm. And then I darted to my own vehicle. I didn't know if he made it to his car before I'd left or not, only that I got out of there as soon as I could. And I was fuming. I felt like he had when he returned home to Tara breaking one of the rules.


My fingers moved on their own accord when I called her. It rang for a long time, it felt like, before she answered. Except it wasn't her.

"Rebecca, I don't have a problem with you, but I really don't want to talk to you right now," Jake said through a snarl.

"Why?" I snapped.

"Because you pissed Colby off! Somehow more than he already was. I get you don't know how dangerous he is but come on! Just listen to him and fuck off next time."

"Next time?!" I shrieked. "Let me get this straight with you — and anyone else who might hear me: I have no intention of ever, ever seeing him again. Or coming to your fucking house. I'd literally rather bleed to death surrounded by rats."

Despite Jake's previous mood, he laughed a little at that. "You're such a weirdly specific smart ass." I didn't want compliments like that from anyone but my new friend.

"Where's Tara?"

His voice turned hard again. "Can't talk to you... because of you."

I clenched my jaw.

"I knew you said there won't be a next time, but if there is, watch yourself? You're not the one who's going to get hurt."

"I'm not, am I? Colby looked like he wanted to eat me alive."

"Yeah," Jake agreed, with no other explanation. I tried to push it away, but I couldn't stop thinking about that pulsating silver ring in Colby's eyes when he glared at me. That couldn't be normal, could it? It'd been much different at the party last night; those eyes had been purple-ish, though the lights had been blue and low. Were they actually red?

I shivered.

"Tell Tara to get on the damn phone and call me whenever she can. If she doesn't, I promise you I will castrate Colby and find her afterwards."

"Why- You know what, Rebecca, you do you."

I hung up, moving faster across the streets of LA. My whole body was rippling with some sort of overwhelming anger, and I suddenly felt the need to sleep with someone. Anyone, as long as I got this anger out of me. It became increasingly clear that I wasn't going to be able to do any of that, though, because my chest felt empty, and any hopes of wooing a guy when I felt like this went out the window. Although, my body was enough half the time...

I slammed my front door, threw down my keys, and stomped to my bedroom. I didn't know what to do but lie there and stare at the ceiling, wishing I could break the things in my apartment. But I couldn't. Because if I did, I knew I'd regret it, and I hated having regrets.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now