120 - Rebecca

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"Who the fuck are you?" I growled into the phone, stopping with my hand on my car door. I had every intention of sitting in it until I went back inside to the safety of light and other people. And Jax, as much as I hated to admit it.

"You'd know that if you gave a shit about anyone," the female voice replied sweetly, as if we were having a friendly chat. I could show her a friendly chat.

"Yeah? Well, I don't. What a shame. The fuck you doing with Colby's phone?"

"Oh, don't worry, he isn't cheating on you. He's right here... hardly conscious, but here." I growled so loudly I thought I was a vampire for a second. My knuckles turned white, I was clutching my handle so hard. "Don't get your panties in a twist, Rebecca. What we gave him can't kill him."

"Get the fuck away from him."

She sighed, sounding bored. "Sam?" She said, making me freeze. "Would you like to say a couple of words?" It felt like my blood was running cold. "No? Oh, how about Mike?"

Mike's distant voice screamed back, "whore!" The distinct sound of a fist hitting someone's face and a low grunt fled through my speakers before Mike snarled. The girl on the phone laughed maniacally.

"Would you like to help them, Rebecca?" She taunted. "Or maybe just Katrina and Colby, if you don't care about the others?" I was silent. "Cat got your tongue?"

"Fuck you," I snapped. "The moment I figure out who you are, I am going to beat you so hard you won't be able to speak ever again, bitch." She laughed. "Trust me, I'm way worse than you think."

"Oh, I know all too well how violent you are, 'Ms Woods'." The way she said my name made me frown. I knew that voice. I knew it but I couldn't put my finger on it. I replayed the 'Ms Woods' bit over and over in my head, though nothing was coming to mind. No one important, I decided. "Trying to figure out who I am?" She giggled after a moment of silence between us.

"Only so I know how much force to use when I punch you in the face. I don't want to knock you out: that's too easy. You should feel the pain for as long as possible."

She snorted. "Awe, that's cute, human."

"I wouldn't laugh at me, that makes me angrier."

"It does, does it?" She laughed. I heard shuffling before a girl screamed in the background. It was followed by Katrina begging for someone to leave her alone; to not bite her. She was begging and begging. But then her screams were cut off. "Here's the deal," the girl started.

"Fuck you."

"No. Katrina here is being fed on now and then. Just little sips for my hungriest vampires. That will stop if you come to us willingly, but we will keep going until she has no blood left if you keep us waiting too long. Of course, no matter what, you will be here. Your choice is whether you want Katrina to be half-dead or completely dead when you arrive."

"Why are you so confident?" I snarled.

"Well, if you'd like to look back at the venue of your little showcase right now, you'll see another option." My eyes automatically flicked to the venue where I saw Jax... and James. Jax was being held by his neck against the wall, James staring at me with a glint in his eye. "You can get in your car and drive here and James will have a meal on your friend, or, you can go to him and let him feed on you then bring you here."

"I don't give a fuck about Jax, why would you even—" I cut off when James ripped messily into Jax's neck. My body froze, my heart stopping. Next thing I knew, I was darting across the parking lot and pushing James to the ground. He let me do it and I dropped down to the ground with Jax, holding onto his shoulders to hold him up. The wound was fatal, blood seeping everywhere.

The girl's voice suddenly got louder. I looked over at James, who was holding my phone up with the speaker on. "Clearly you don't give a fuck about him," the girl said in amusement, "so, I guess you're driving yourself here then, as your little friend is going to die now. James can drive you, though. I'm sure he'd love to have some fun with you."

"You can both go to hell," I snapped.

There was silence.

James was staring into my soul fully vamped while only the murmur of the music and crowd inside drifted out to disrupt us. I thought I was shaking, but I honestly couldn't tell if I was. My hands had Jax's blood on them, Jax himself dying in my arms. Was that why my heartbeat was so erratic? Did I care about Jax?

When James shifted, it was clear he'd been given new orders. He hung up the phone and threw it at me as he stood up straight, brushing down his ruined, bloody suit. I couldn't take my eyes away from the blood on his mouth; the proof that he had indeed killed Jax.

My fingers subconsciously pressed against Jax's neck, but I felt no pulse. I looked down at him to see that he was pale and only getting paler, so much blood loss that he had no chance. Jax was actually dead.


Why did my chest hurt?

"Come along, Rebecca. It's time for us to go." James taunted as he turned towards the parking lot. I didn't move from beside the corpse essentially in my lap. Not because I was scared, but because I felt like I had to. What would happen to his body when I left with James? Would there be any proof that he ever even existed? That he was ever here?

My heart stuttered just as I looked up to search for James; to find the guy I was about to murder. I wanted to snap his neck.

But James was nowhere to be found.

What kind of sick game of hide and seek was this?

My body kicked in. For some odd reason, I turned toward the venue. With blood on my hands, probably a crazed face, and a pounding heart, I figured I could at least get some attention from the fashion world. I didn't know if I expected to make it to safety when I lunged for the door, but I didn't.

The moment my fingers curled around the handle, a hand came down on top of mine too fast to avoid. James squeezed my hand hard as he spun me around and pressed my back to the door. This was so much more erotic when Colby did it.

James looked me up and down for a second, smirked, and then grabbed the hair on the side of my head. He pulled me forward only to smash my head back against the glass.

When he did it again, everything turned black with the impact.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now