179 - Rebecca

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"Beck!" A voice yelled from the other room. I didn't know what time it was, only that I was lying comfortably in bed trying to sleep and someone was being loud. "Beck!" Tara's voice repeated, footsteps leading up to my door. I wanted to groan but I kept quiet, squeezing my eyes shut.

I heard the door open and the footsteps led just in front of me. Fabric rustled then I felt a hand brush my hair back from my face. "Beck, come on, I have a surprise for you," Tara whispered to me as she gently shook my shoulder. I didn't reply. "I promise you'll like it."

"You will!" Jake called from the other room.

My eyes flicked open to look at Tara, only to make her smile. "I swear on my life that you'll like this. It has nothing to do with... anyone else, just me and Jake, okay?" She paused but I didn't respond. "Meet us in the living room. We're going out for a bit."

She disappeared just like that, leaving me frowning. There were so many questions going through my head, the main one being, "What the fuck did they think I'd love so much?" Despite that, I slid out of bed and pulled something simple on—a black t-shirt above a pair of black jeans. I slid on my boots since I wasn't about to go anywhere without them then headed reluctantly into the living room.

Jake and Tara were stood next to the kitchen talking to each other. I noticed their outfits were matching, which made them look like they were about to cause some chaos. By the smile on Jake's face when he heard me coming, I wouldn't put it past them.

Tara quickly turned around and nodded to the front door. "We're going in your car. I doubt you want to go in mine."

"No," I agreed.

We walked downstairs to my car, where Jake stole my keys from me. I reluctantly let him drive since I didn't have a clue where we were going. Tara was sat in the back with me, holding my hand, which I hadn't allowed to happen at first but she'd insisted. The car's atmosphere reflected Tara's face: nerves.

Jake didn't drive for very long before he pulled up outside an abandoned building. Suddenly, Tara wasn't the only one who was nervous.

She pulled me from the car by my hand, continuing to drag me through a broken window into the building. Jake was just behind us still grinning like a mad man. The whole building was decrepit and old, like no one had been in it for years and years. Somehow, I didn't doubt it.

On the second floor, Tara stopped walking, standing me in a specific place. I looked around expecting to see something but it appeared to be only empty. Jake zipped to her side, handing her something that I couldn't see because of the dark.

"We're here," Tara started, "to have some fun. I wasn't really sure what to do that you'd find fun—it's not like you enjoy the things normal people do, so I had to think. It's taken me this long to realise something I should have thought of the very first night we got to your apartment." She paused as she and Jake both took up stances. For the first time, I saw the item in her hand under the clear moonlight coming through a hole in the ceiling. "Knife throwing."

Two blades pierced the wall opposite us a second later. They were side by side on a target that was barely visible in the dim lighting. Tara carefully threw another blade to me—this one some kind of dagger—then pointed to the target. "Go on, see how accurate you are."

I hesitated but I took up a stance anyway. It was when I released the blade, watching it fly across the room, that I felt some tension rise from my shoulders. It was like magic as the silver landed perfectly on target.

Tara cheered and Jake started clapping. "Damn! And here I was doubting you," he exclaimed.

"You shouldn't doubt me," I muttered back.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now