169 - Rebecca

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Little things. That's what I did. Little things that I knew would slowly make him hornier and hornier for me. It started with pressing myself ever so slightly back into him, my ass to his front. He had a good poker face, relaying nothing to the others, but I could feel when his chest would tense or his arms would get tighter. I knew I was affecting him.

Since I was engaging in conversation for once, I used it as an excuse to move around a little more—casually, of course. Tara was boasting about seeing some celebrity while she was out in town once and decided to start showing us photos. I casually leant out of Colby's arms to grab her phone and see for myself, pressing my backside hard into him once I had it. I felt his eyes on me for a second but I didn't turn to him, handing the phone back and doing the same thing again.

No one else was any the wiser, I was sure, because I was surprisingly good at this secret seducing thing.

Tara's conversation slipped into something I wasn't interested in so I stopped engaging, dropping my head back to Colby's chest again. He lightly kissed my cheek making me turn my head towards him only to find a soft, cute smile on his face. My body instantly reacted to it, my heart starting to flutter like never before. I knew it was audible to the others, but my mind was elsewhere staring at him.

Fuck, why did he have to have this effect on me? Why couldn't I just sit here and hate him?

A little sigh slipped out of my throat as I readjusted my position to look at him easier. His cute little smile got wider before he raised just one hand to brush the dried parts of my hair out of my face. It made me smile no matter how hard I tried to stop it. I reached up to steal his hand.

My original thought was just to hold it, but I came up with something better. I twisted around easily in his arms so that we were way too close then placed his hand on my butt. He bit his lip so he didn't laugh, squeezing me without making it too obvious. I raised my brows but didn't say anything, my hands on his chest.

Our moment, as little as it seemed, was ruined by someone tugging my hair. I turned around with a glare to find Xepher grinning at me away from the other conversations, those that had mostly slipped my mind. I noticed her glance at Colby's hand but she said nothing about it. "Want a drink? Alcohol or not..."

I rolled my eyes. "You had to tug my hair for that?"

"Of course. You looked pretty distracted." I said nothing in response. "I know what you like so I'll just bring that. Colby?" He didn't say anything but he nodded so Xepher swam away. For some reason, I snarled as I turned back to Colby and he snickered.

"I still hate your friends," I grumbled, sliding my hands around his neck, "and you, but that's for so many other reasons."

His head tilted to the side. "Nah, you don't hate me anymore," he decided, secretly playing with my bikini beneath the water.

"I can promise you that I do."

He shook his head. "You don't."

"We can argue and I'll prove it," I offered as I raised one eyebrow at him. His cute, cocky smile almost had me mimicking it, but I kept a straight face. He let out a soft sigh, pulling my body so that I was entirely against him. It was an effective distraction.

"I'd rather argue with someone else," he muttered. "Maybe Kevin because I can hear what he's saying and you can't."

"Hey, don't expose me!" Kevin yelled and I turned my head to look at him. He smirked. "Hi, Becky."

"What are you saying, Kevin?" I replied without missing a beat. I could feel Colby smiling but I was too focused on staring at my current target. Kevin's face became concerned, though I doubted he meant it much, and he backed up a step.

"Nothing," he lied.

"Uh-huh. Anyone else wanna fill me in?" I asked, glancing around. No one was going to rat Kevin out, so I knew I had to just dominate him into speaking. The moment my eyes met his once more, he swam backwards. "Kevin, I'll give you about ten seconds to own up and then I'm going to randomly attack you one of these days and get you to speak."

He cleared his throat. "The word softie was used." My glare turned deadly. "I don't want to say anymore."

Tara giggled. "Stop acting like you're scared of her, Kevin. You just want to fight with her, that's all." She looked at me. "He was calling you a softie because you're... getting distracted with Colby instead of kicking his ass for throwing you in the pool earlier."

"Really?" I muttered, glancing once at my boyfriend. "Well, he doesn't know what I have planned, so he can shut the fuck up." I looked at Kevin. "Call me a softie again and I'll find a place to stake you where it'll really hurt."

When I turned back to Colby, I could tell he was wondering what I had planned. If only he knew then he wouldn't still have his hand on my ass beneath the water. He wouldn't be within six feet of me, actually. To distract him, I placed a quick kiss on his lips then swam closer to the group, since we'd naturally drifted off slightly. He followed none the wiser.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now