32 - Rebecca

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          The closer we got to the house, the tighter his hand got. He was agitated already and we hadn't even reached his street. But a part of me completely understood, because I wanted to punch a wall or smash a window or do something to relieve the anticipation in my stomach. I wanted to see Tara, maybe even Xepher — the rest of them hadn't given me a good impression, and by that I mean they were too nice, like Katrina.

For the first time since he started holding my hand, Colby's grip loosened. I looked up and realised we were on his street now, almost at the driveway.

He was going to get distant.

I quickly tightened my grip instead, purposely squeezing his hand for a second. He didn't do anything for a moment, turning onto the driveway, then he held on a little tighter. I nodded.

We were on the drive and the anticipation was almost too much to bear. I saw Colby glaring through the windshield before he climbed out of the car and walked around to my door. I waited, patient. Leaving my backpack in his car, I accepted the hand he held out to help me. He didn't let go, even when he slammed the car door. But he was obviously stalling, standing there brushing my hair behind my ear.

I raised my brow at him, jerking my head out of his reach. "Don't."

His jaw set.

"Come on, it's getting cold out here," I said, my voice a little harsher than it should have been.

He narrowed his eyes as if to say "hypocrite" before turning to walk into the house. His footsteps were slower than they'd ever been before, leading me through the front door, then through the hall, then to the door of the red room. He hesitated, but I didn't. I turned the handle with my free hand and walked in first, pulling him with me. It was too late now, if he was planning to take his hand away from mine. That was why I did it.

"Rebecca," Tara said instantly, gasping. She looked at Colby and I's hands, then at my face, then at Colby, then back at our hands. She turned to Jake, her mouth wide open. But he was no help as he had a similar expression on his face.

I kicked the door shut with my foot, glaring at them. "Not a museum artefact, no need to fucking stare."

Colby started for his chair, and I followed him because I didn't want to let go of his hand yet. He didn't lie across it like he usually did, sitting properly in the seat. I decided to be nice to him, knowing he wouldn't want me to get too close — I sat on the arm. I had felt the eyes of everyone the entire time, but not one of them really said anything to us. At least, not to our faces. Tara spun to Katrina and started to harshly whisper to her while Elton and Kevin just sat there smirking at each other.

"Hm," I mumbled, keeping my voice low. "That's going to get annoying very quickly." My eyes were narrowed, glaring at specifically Kevin. I got a bad vibe from him and I didn't know why or what it was.

"Trust me, it'll be worse when you're gone," Colby muttered, staring at Jake. I realised they were having some sort of staring contest across the room. Tara noticed too and elbowed Jake before turning to me.

I saw her decision before she got up. I sighed, quiet enough that no one would hear. She walked up to the end of the nearest couch, perching on the arm and leaning towards me. I gave Colby a look of 'this is going to test me' before I dared to meet her gaze.

"So," she said. "How is it that I invite you and you bring company?"

I raised a brow. "Pretty sure he owns the house; hardly 'company'," I remarked.

Tara jerked back in mock surprise. "You're defending him. Hmm."

I glared at her, and she grinned.

"Ah, Beck, I missed your glare."

"Keep going and you'll be fed up of it," I growled under my breath.

"I will, will I?" Tara was still grinning, which was making me angrier. I didn't know why, but I had missed her a little and now that I was with her, I suddenly wanted to be anywhere else. My emotions were all over the place — but I was mostly annoyed.

"I was going to ask what you've been doing the last few days but I guess you've answered that." Tara glanced at Colby's hand, which still held mine.

"Watch it," Colby snapped, glaring at Tara now, too.

She giggled to herself. "You two are going to be so difficult to be around." She laughed humourlessly now, though. "How'd it happen, anyway?"

Colby's hand tightened on mine, telling me not to say anything. So I didn't. Not the truth, at least. Just a bitchy, sarcastic remark. "I think I can find where it's your business if I look hard enough."

I saw Colby trying not to smile in the corner of my eye as Tara glanced at him. "Huh. You better not steal her, Colby. I'm not going to be very happy."

"Don't give a shit," Colby snapped, the humour gone from his face.

I gave him a look but he ignored me.

"Fuck off to Jake, Tara. He's basically drooling over you already."

Tara's head snapped to Jake to see that he was actually just staring at her. She looked like she should have been blushing as she quickly went to his side.

"Rude," I muttered, making Colby look at me.

He just raised a brow.

"You were."

"And you weren't?" he challenged.

I rolled my eyes, twisting more to face him on the small arm of his chair. "I'm the friend, I have an excuse."

"Uh huh." He wasn't convinced. I knew exactly what he was going to say, so I quickly kicked his leg.

"Call me a hypocrite and I'll end you."

He was amused now, watching me with the corner of his lips twisting up. It was a mistake to glance at them, because now I wanted to kiss him. He glanced at my lips too and tugged at my hand. I leaned down as his free hand came up to the side of my face, his fingers in my hair. I couldn't tell if I kissed him or if he kissed me, but it didn't matter because it made me feel too good to think about it any longer. I rested my free hand on his wrist. My body was swimming.

It was like I had taken a drug, and I loved it. I was happy to take the drug; to spiral. But then Colby caught me off-guard. He dragged me down off of the arm onto his lap sideways. I yelped in surprise — almost squealing. I covered my mouth, but knew the others had heard and seen because I heard soft chuckles.

I glared at the first person I saw, which happened to be Corey. He raised his hands playfully at me. "Sorry, Rebecca."

"Whatever," I snapped at him, turning back to Colby. He was watching me, trying not to smile. "You dare."

His lip twitched. I elbowed him in the stomach and crossed my arms over my chest. He was still amused, probably more now than before. I knew what would sober him up.

"Maybe I'll call Jax."

Colby's nostrils flared instantly, his silver ring expanding. "Don't," he said lowly.

I just stared him directly in the eyes in silence. The silver looked like it expanded through his whole eye when he quickly his lids. His jaw set and he took a second before he looked at me again, the silver normal — or as normal as a silver ring could be.

"I'd ask but you won't tell me," I said, annoyed.

He barely even shook his head. I breathed a sigh, still staring into his eyes. The mini fight was coming to an end; I could feel it simmering down between us. I dropped my arms to my lap, and he instantly grabbed one of my hands. He, surprisingly, kissed the back of it — an apology. My silent way of apologising was taking that hand and intertwining our fingers for a second. I felt like, in that moment, we could do this; we could be together even around his friends.

But the issue of reputation was still big in his mind, and I didn't know if he'd already damaged it. I hoped for our relationship's sake that he hadn't.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now